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Jimin didn't understand why the Alpha kept apologizing; he had nothing to be sorry for. He was an Alpha; their word was law with Omegas. So he did all he could do; he nodded his head. Jimin started to unpack his bag; it didn't have much. His bottle of soap to clean himself, a toothbrush and toothpaste, as well as his bottle of pills he must take every day. He unfolded his yellow blanket, laid it over the bed, and then put his stuffie on the one pillow. They were remnants from when he was smaller.

Omegas are born in artificial wombs and are awake for the first ten years of their lives. After that, they are put into cryo sleep only to be awoken once a year for their annual check-up. Then, when they are chosen, they are woken again, and their training begins. It's a rigorous training that not all Omegas pass in time for their presentation to their chosen Alpha.

The only thing left in the bag was the guidebook he needed to give to Yoongi. It would tell the Alpha the rules that Omegas must follow and how to take care of their Omega—the things that they need to do to please their Alpha in the best way possible. "What's this?" Yoongi asked softly.

But his eyebrows went up when he read the title, An Alpha's Guide for Omegas. He nodded his head once, "I guess this will come in handy, thank you."

Jimin didn't know why he was being thanked, but he nodded his head anyway. This Alpha really is strange and not at all what he expected. He'd been told that he would be taken immediately upon him being gifted to the Alpha. But Yoongi has fed him and petted his hair.

"Please know you have permission to speak to me at any time. The only exceptions are when out in public and when the Parks are around. Other than that, you do not have to wait for permission to speak. Okay?" Yoongi knew that the Omega wouldn't speak, but he needed him to know. "If you need anything to eat or drink, the kitchen is down the hall. You can see it from your doorway on the right. Please help yourself. I'll see you in the morning."

Yoongi went through the doorway that connected their rooms and sat down on his bed. He opened the first page of the guide and then promptly shut it. The first line was, 'Your Omega was made to please you; they will not deny you in any way.' Yeah, no, he had to fix this. He just didn't know how. That's a problem for tomorrow, though, when he can get Jin and Joon here. 

He didn't want to repeat it more than once, and since Yoonji was still with her mother, it wasn't going to happen tonight. Yoongi got ready for bed; it was too early, but he was exhausted. He had seen his mother today, got engaged, and received an Omega. It was too much for his brain, so he needed to shut down for a little while. 

The Alpha woke up in the middle of the night to sniffles and rotten oranges. He shot up in bed and turned the side lamp on. On the floor next to his bed was Jimin. "What are you doing here?"

Jimin whimpered and tried to shrink in on himself as if he thought he'd angered Yoongi. But he didn't; Yoongi was just concerned for the poor thing. He had to be freezing, as the tiny Omega was shivering. 

"Hey, I'm not mad. Will you please tell me?"

"Scent, couldn't sleep." The most musical voice Yoongi had ever heard spoke for the first time.

He cocked his head to the side, "I don't understand."

Jimin sat up slowly, getting into the submissive position they were trained to sit in. "Your scent; at the Center, they spray our pillows with your pheromones, and my blanket only smells like me. I couldn't sleep," he whispered without looking at the Alpha. 

"So you came in here to get closer to my scent?" Jimin nodded quickly, and the only reason he said what he said next was because he was sleepy and mentally exhausted. "Okay, well, can you get in the bed at least? I don't want you to freeze to death." 

The tiny thing scrambled up and climbed into the bed, "is Alpha going to take me now?"

Yoongi sucked in a breath, "no," was all he said, and it came out a little harsher than he intended making Jimin start to sniffle again. He sighed and scrubbed a hand down his face. "Look, you didn't ask to be violated multiple times a day, and I'm not about that life."

"Alpha doesn't like me?" the poor thing all but sobbed. "I'll die without Alpha or, worse, get reset."

That's how pathetic their lives are; they'd feel like they would die, and it's preferable than being reset. As far as he knows, they don't actually know what happens after reset. But that's a conversation for a later time. "I won't let you be reset or die. I promise."

The Omega looked at him, "Then Alpha will take me?"

"No, Alpha will not."

"Then Alpha wants me to die. I must be taken, and Madam will reset me if not."

He wasn't wrong; Jisoo would definitely have Jimin reset if her father didn't smell Yoongi on him. But that's something to worry about later, not at three in the fucking morning. "We'll figure this out together."

He fell asleep surrounded by a sour orange scent so strong it hurt his nose. The next morning, he woke up, and Jimin was already awake and presenting for his Alpha. "Does Alpha want to take me before breakfast, or would he prefer my mouth?"

"Alpha would prefer a cup of fucking coffee," he growled before throwing on pants and a shirt and leaving the bedroom. 

Hobi was in the kitchen making food. " So, an Omega?" he asked, raising his eyebrow.

"An Omega that's currently on my bed naked and presenting to help me wake up. This is ridiculous; he can't want this," he grumbled as he sat in the chair.

"Yoongi, they are brainwashed from the time they are born to want this. Rome wasn't built in a day; it will take time to reprogram him to not be like this. You haven't even had him a day. What you are asking of him is too much. For fucks sake, you were petting him last night, and I saw that he was eating food as well."

He knew that Hobi was right, but fuck, he never asked nor wanted this. "His stomach was growling; what was I supposed to do, let him starve?"

"In front of the Parks, yes. You are lucky that they didn't see. Jisoo would have had him punished if she had found out." Hobi put the food onto plates. "Now, go get the poor thing and have him come to eat."

Yoongi sighed before getting up. Jimin was right where he left him; he was even in the exact same position. He went to his bathroom and grabbed the black silk robe that Yoonji gave him as a gag gift for Christmas last year. "Here, put this on."

Jimin's bottom lip started to tremble. " We aren't allowed." Before he could even finish, Yoongi held up his hand.

"If the Parks aren't here, it's okay. Please, it would make Alpha really happy. I know that you don't like clothes, Eunjae is the same way. But he doesn't mind silk robes, and maybe you won't either." 

He could tell that Jimin didn't like the idea, but the idea of making his Alpha happy overrode everything. He had to fix this some fucking how. Jimin was swimming in it, but it covered him at least. "Great, now let's go eat." For once, the Omegas' eyes lit up.

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