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"Why are you so nervous?"

Yoongi looked at his Omega, "I don't like having to take you in public like this. You should be allowed to wear clothes, you shouldn't have to wear a collar. I don't want people looking at you like they can have you."

He reached out and palmed Yoongi's cheek, "but they can't. I'm yours, and all they can do is look. But I don't even see them; I only see you because you are my alpha, and I love you."

"I'm sorry for the things I will have to say in front of her. Please tell me you forgive me."

"I know, and you don't even have to ask; you already have my forgiveness."

They walked into the restaurant, where Yoongi agreed to meet Jisoo. Jimin walked behind his Alpha with his head down like he was supposed to. "Well, I see my mother wasn't exaggerating; you really did dye your hair pink." 

"Nice to see you too, Jisoo; I've been great, thanks for asking." He turned to look at Jimin, his right hand coming up to pinch the Omega's chin. "Kneel under the table, but do not touch me. I can't have you distracting me from this important talk. Okay?" Jimin nodded his head, and then Yoongi did something that surprised both of them. He kissed him quickly on the lips.

Jimin's eyes went wide before he scrambled under the table, "why would you do that? That's absolutely disgusting."

He didn't even pay her any attention, he sat down making sure that Jimin was good and comfortable. "What's disgusting?"

"You kissed him."

His eyebrow raised. " Yeah, why wouldn't I? I like to kiss, and he has some of the most kissable lips I've ever seen. You got him for me to use; I'm using him."

"I got him for you to fuck and get your knot wet. Not to kiss him."

Yoongi chuckled, "Well, I like to cuddle and hold hands, so I guess I shouldn't tell you we do those things as well."

She sighed as she sat back in her chair, "Alphas need to get their knots wet multiple times a day. Not kiss and cuddle. You aren't using him to his fullest potential. Have you even heard him sing or seen him dance?"

He actually hadn't; they'd had other things to entertain each other with. So he just shook his head no. His phone went off with a text from Jin, and it made him smile. Game on bitch. "He'll dance or sing when he wants to, not because I asked him to."

"That's not how it works. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to take him back and have him punished and reset."

There was a pause, a moment where Yoongi waited for Jimin's scent to spike. But it never did, and it made his Alpha puff up his chest. "Is that right?"

"The pleasure house will love to have him. He's an A grade, they never get anything above a B grade. They mostly get C or D grades from reset and then the F grades that are made for them."

Excuse me, what? He looked at her with confusion on his face; they made Omegas specifically for the Pleasure Houses? "You are telling me that there are Omegas that aren't made for an Alpha but for the Pleasure Houses?"

She scoffed, "Of course there are. Do you have any idea how many Pleasure Houses there are, and each one has at least 100 Omegas? There aren't that many getting reset to keep them all populated. The longest one has ever lasted before they had to be euthanized was four years. And that was a B grade; the F grades make it barely over a year."

His head was spinning with all of the information. But he'll be damned if she thinks that he'll let Jimin anywhere near her. Even more so now that the law is on his side. "And Jimin is an A grade?"


"Are the BTS ones the only ones that are A grade?" Jisoo nodded her head, "how many are left?"

"Three, the other four ended up pregnant because of the medicine debacle, and the Betas took care of the embarrassment."

"Took care, as in sent them to the pleasure house?"

She rolled her eyes, "and let that embarrassment be born? No. It was easier just to cull them and get new ones. It's not like the Alphas were that attached to them. A wet hole is a wet hole."

He had never been more disgusted in his life. He grabbed the ultrasound picture and handed it to her. "The pup."

Jisoo barely glanced at it. " Good, at least that's one less thing I have to worry about. I was afraid that he'd end up pregnant, and we'd have to cull him, too."

"You'd kill my Omega and my pup?"

"They are abominations, Yoongi. Of course, I would. But we don't have to worry; the procedure took place." She pushed a box across the table, "here."

"What's this?"

"Your birthday gift. Sorry, it's late, but I just got into town this morning."

His eyebrow raised a bit, "how did you know it was my birthday?"

"I'm your wife," she deadpanned.

"Yeah, and? I don't know your birthday." He opened the box and looked at the key inside. "What's this for?"

"Our house. You never seem to be at work or home anymore, so my mother can't check in on you and him. Now that he's carrying my heir, it's imperative that she can do it."


She paused her monologue and looked at him, "what do you mean no?"

"As in abso-fucking-lutely not. I am not moving; I have a home."

"One that you are never in. We are married, Yoongi."

He snorted, "and that was not my choice. I'm not moving in with you; you are never home anyway. Didn't you say that you were leaving soon anyway for America?"

"Yes, they are pushing back on the Omegas. They think it's a human rights issue. But I should be able to persuade them." She looked at her phone and frowned. "If you aren't willing to move in, then I'll take him now. We'll remove the pup and place it in a willing host to carry. They'll stay at the Center until birth. I'll have Jimin sent to the Pleasure House across the country. Problem solved."

Yoongi smiled, "Well, none of that will be happening either."

"Yoongi," she sighed. "You aren't cooperating."

He leaned forward, his fists under his chin, "Aww, is something not going your way for once? Not all Alphas are like your father. Some of us can think for ourselves and don't have to worry about when the next time we are getting our knots wet."

She frowned, "according to my father, Jimin smelled strongly of you at the wedding. So you aren't that different from him."

"That's where you are wrong. The day we got married, I had barely touched him. Hell, we didn't even have sex for the first time until a couple of weeks ago. I function perfectly well with my cock cold and dry. Look at me now, I'm not getting pleasured, and I'm doing ok. But look around," his hand waved at all the Alphas that were getting their rocks off at dinner with their Betas. "Do I look like them, act like them?"

"You didn't use him? Then why did he smell like you?"

He leaned back a bit, "I almost let him die because I didn't realize that he needed to be fed three times a day with Alpha cum. When it finally got to the make-or-break point, we tried me coming into a cup for him to drink. Still didn't work, so I came all over his face."

"It didn't work because they have to be part of the act for them to get the proper nutrients. There's a protein that Alphas excrete when they are engaging in an act with an Omega vs.," she frowned a bit, "in a cup." 

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