Chapter 1'991

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After a few minutes of looking at the menus, a waiter came over to us. Are we ready to order she asked.

Yes ma'am, I'll have the chipotle mushroom tacos, a shepherds pie and a side of fries please dad said.

Got it and to drink sir she asked him. I'll take a coke with ice he said. Understood she said writing it down.

Soon enough we all ordered and now all we have to do is wait. Mama Abby said getting Mayas attention. Yes baby Maya said back. Can we have ice cream she asked.

Of course, but lunch first ok baby she said. Ok mama she said, excited for the promise of ice cream. So excited for potential ice cream Kelli said chuckling.

Every little kids dream is being aloud ice cream Paris said chuckling. No kidding, little miss would eat it for every meal of we'd let her Jake said chuckling.

You mean until she gets a belly ache Maya said chuckling. But it's good that you make sure she eats her actual meal first before her treat Sarah said.

That's exactly what mom and dad did for us, now we know treating ourselves occasionally won't hurt anything Shannon said.

Exactly, balance is key when it comes to sugar Jake said. Why dada Abby asked curious. Because too many treats can hurt your little belly, or your teeth he said.

How she asked. You know when mama says we gotta get all the sugar bugs off your teeth Maya said. Yeah Abby said, a little confused.

Those sugar bugs can cause bigger ouchies in your mouth if you eat too much sugar and don't brush well Maya explain.

Oh she said, thinking. Curious little lady Paris said chuckling. Always Sarah said chuckling. As we were talking the waiters started to bring our drinks out.

Thank you I said when I got mine. Mama I want Abby said to Maya. I know, here baby Maya said passing her orange juice over. Can I hold mama she asked after taking a drink.

No, mama hold this one because it might brake ok Maya said. Ok mama, Abby said understanding.

Why they give a toddler glass I'll never understand Jake said. I know, you think they would have plastic cups for little ones Maya said.
Yeah, I have to agree with that statement mom said helping Auggie have a drink of his coke.

Mayas secret life part 10 Where stories live. Discover now