Chapter 1'980

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Jake sat down on the other side, giving us a gentle push with his feet so we would move. As we started moving, Abby was all giggles.

Is this fun baby I asked her, chuckling. Uh huh she said, in between fits of giggles. My favourite sound Jake said chuckling.

Mine two I said chuckling. We spent a few more minutes swinging, until Abby tapped my arm and said mama.

Yes baby I said to her. I gotta go potty she said. You gotta go potty do you I asked her. Uh huh she said, shaking her head yes.

Ok, we'll go potty I said putting her down on the ground. Need some help getting up Jake asked. Yes please I said and he got himself out of the swing first.

Once he was up, he grabbed ahold of my hands and gently pulled me up. And we are up he said chuckling.

Thanks babe I said chuckling. Mama Abby said, doing the pee, pee dance. I know baby, let's go I said holding out my hand.

She grabbed it and we started walking quickly towards the bathroom. Once we made it in, I took us into one stall and locked the door behind us.

I helped Abby get her pants and underwear down then sat her on the toilet so she could do her business. When she finished, I cleaned her up and helped her off.

I got her underwear and pants pulled up and she was very insistent on pressing the button to flush. Hang on monkey, don't try and climb mama will help I said picking her up.

I moved her closer and she pushed the button to flush all by herself like a big girl. I did it mama she said excited.

Yeah you did, big girl I said unlocking the stall door and walking out. I carried her over to the sink and got some soap to wash both our hands.

After a moment both our hands were clean and I sat her down for a second. Once she was down I grabbed some paper towels and dried my hands first and then hers.

All done mama she asked. Yep, all done sweet girl, ready to go play some more I asked her. Uh huh she said excited. Ok, let's go baby I said, grabbing ahold of her hand and walking out with her.

Mayas secret life part 10 Where stories live. Discover now