Chapter 1'987

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We waited another ten minutes then finally saw Dianna coming back with the girls. What took you so long dad asked chuckling.

This one was trapped in one of the bathroom stalls Shannon said chuckling, pointing at Dallas. Yeah, we had to help her climb over the door Dianna said.

Why didn't you slide under it Smackle asked. She tried, her butt couldn't get through Demi said chuckling. It wasn't my butt it was my belt Dallas said chuckling.

Yeah sure it was Shannon said chuckling. Moving on, are we all ready to go get some lunch Dianna asked. Yes we all said.

Let's go then dad said as we all started walking out of the building. When we reached our cars, all of us started getting in. Once all of us were in, Maya put Abby into her car seat and buckled her up.

Mama helps Abby said, pointing at her lamb she dropped in the floor of the car. Oh no poor lamb Sarah said chuckling.

I got it, I said reaching down to grab it. Once I grabbed it, I sat up and passed it over. Here you go sweetie I said.

Thank you auntie Riley she said, very cute. You're very welcome little miss I said back. Are we all better now that we have our lamb mom asked. Uh huh Abby said.

That's good and we are all buckled up Maya said getting into the car herself. Jake, hurry up man Joey said chuckling.

Hush he said chuckling, hoping into the car himself. What took you so long anyway I asked. I was tying up my shoe, I didn't mean to take forever he said.

It's fine, just shut the door and buckle up so we can get a move on mom said. Yes ma'am he said, doing what he was told. Where are we heading for lunch anyway Sarah asked.

We think we've settled on pizza if we can find a decent place around here dad said. Pizza actually sounds good right now Joey said. I agree with that I said chuckling.

Same, after running around for the last what 2 hours Sarah said. Exactly, we've all worked up an appetite mom said chuckling. Let's hit the road dad said starting the car.

Yeah, literally all of us cheered as we started moving. We drove around for a good ten minutes until dad realised we actually had no idea where we were going.

Mayas secret life part 10 Where stories live. Discover now