Chapter 2: Eavesdropper (Re-Edited)

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"So Morgana is sick for today's match..." The coach looked at his runners, his eyes landed on y/n. "Y/n, are you going to be calm today?" He asked the boy, "I'll try," the couch glared, "Not good enough. I don't care what you feel; we need to win this. Don't fucking lash out."

Y/n looked down, nodding. "Yes sir."


"Hey! Come back here!!"

Y/n looked up, only to be grabbed by his wrist and pulled along.

"Eh?! Ruggie, why are we runnin'??" Ruggie looked back with a smirk. "Just focus on runnin!" Y/n looked back to see two boys and a flying cat chasing them.

"Shyehehehe!! Three vs one, is this the best you can do?" 

"Hey..." y/n whined at the lack of acknowledgment. The two boys panted, leaning on their knees. 

"What is this guy made of!?" 

"It's not that he's fast- it's like no terrain slows him down!" 

"Myaaaaaaaaaah!! Not even I can catch him!" The cat yelled.

"Shyehehehehehe! Compared to the slums, this was a cakewalk! Did cha even think this through? Let's say you did catch me— How can you even be sure I did it?" Y/n looked up/down at his upperclassmen in confusion. "What did you/didn't do?" Ruggie waved him off. "What? Of course you did it!"

"And with what evidence? Did anyone see me cast those spells? And for that matter, did anyone get a picture? You don't have anything like that, do ya?" The red-haired first-year rubbed the back of his neck, "Well no; but still!"

"You're a coward!" The boy who had just ran up said, standing next to his cat companion. "Ha! A coward? What a compliment! Shyeheheheheeehhe!! Next time you chase after me, make sure you get some proof... Tho knowing ya'lls track record, that's a tall order." 

The cat grumbled out an insult. "Grrrr, this guy!"

 "Watch it!" Y/n threatened; it flew over everyone's head, but Ruggie's who smirked at the younger's words.

"Well then! I'm done playing tag; see ya around! I'll leave these pens right here! Toodles!" Ruggie took y/n's hand and pulled him off.


"So, what are you two doing?" He demanded (as best he could) softly. 

"Who do you think you are to demand things from me?" Leona asked, standing from his seat. "I- um," he swallowed, "I apologize for my outburst. It's just, why did you two keep this from me?" 

Leona laughed bitterly. "What? You think just because we hang around you, means we're friends? We aren't fucking firends omnivore. Let me make this clear to you now. The only reason you even talk to us is because I pity you. Ok?" Y/n shruk with every word the elder said.

"I never thought we were friends, sir. I just thought— everyone else knew. Did you think I was too weak? That I would rat you two out? Because I wouldn't have. I— I just want— never mind," y/n seemed to sulk, holding back tears. 

Leona sighed. "Stop that." Y/n looked back up through his eyelashes. "Stop what?" 

"Stop sulking; it's making me feel bad." Y/n looked at his feet, "Sorry... I'll take my leave." He stepped out of Leona's doorway, before running down the stairs back to his.

"Why're you so hard on him?" Ruggie asked, Leona groaned. "Shut up, Ruggie." Ruggie left the lion alone for now and sent y/n a text.


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