Chapter 3: Freeloaders★ (Re-Edited)

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"Ruggie." The boy turned to his underclassmen, "Yes, Jack?" 

"You and y/n are friends, right?" Ruggie raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, I guess. Why?" 

"I thought you should know that he's making some kind of deal with Azul." 


Jack explained everything that he knew. Ruggie nodded. "Thank you for telling me." Jack nodded. "Yes, sir. See you around."

"What should we do?" Ruggie asked, "Is there anything we can do?" Leona asked back. "This isn't really something we have a say in." Ruggie groaned, "Yeah, I guess. But don't you think that as his friends, and upperclassmen; we should do something?" 

Leona groaned, "It's something he has to learn from. He's a grown man Ruggie."

"Yeah, but still. It's not like anyone told him." Ruggie's ears pinned.

Leona sighed, "Do you have any ideas?"

"Yeah, I might have one."


"It looks all good, but what do you mean by "absolute obedience"?" Azul smiled. "Asking the good questions, aren't you?" Y/n smiled nervously. "Don't worry about it; it won't hurt you." 

"Good to know. But what will happen?" Floyd leaned closer to the younger boy, "Nosy one, aren't you? Trust us, we'll take good care of you." Y/n blushed at that comment, pushing him away gently. 

"I'm just trying to understand everything... not trying to be nosy, sir." Floyd giggled at the bashfulness of the young man. "Go easy on him, Floyd." Jade said to his brother, snickering. 

"Don't worry y/n, it just means if the elements of the contract are not filled, we will make sure you obey the terms of the contract." Y/n nodded, scanning the contract once again. He signed the golden paper on the bottom of the stack, handing back over. 

"Here you go; now what have you found?"


"About time." Leona groaned seeing y/n come into the common room. "Oh, Housewarden-senpai, and Ruggie?" Y/n walked over to the two boys, 

"Jack told me that you made a deal with Azul; is that true?" Y/n looked at his feet, "That depends, would you be mad if I did?" Leona stood up. "Depends what deal you made." 

"Um, I don't really wanna be in trouble." Leona crossed his arms, "Spit it out." 

"Yes, I made a deal with Ashengrotto-sama..." Ruggie groaned, "Great." 

"What was the deal for?" Leona groaned out, "I asked him to find a way to get me a 100 on one of my exams..." Leona groaned louder. "Did you already sign a contract?" Y/n nodded. "I just signed it..." Ruggie whined. "Y/n..." 

"I'm sorry, but I had to!" Leona massaged his temple, "No, you didn't." 

"I did have to! How else could I get a 100? I need a 100; my mother might finally talk to me again if I do!" Ruggie gave him a sympathetic look. "We could've helped you." Y/n stayed quiet, Leona groaned. "I'll talk to Cephalo-punk later... This'll be a pain" he walked off to his room. "I don't need ya'lls help; I'm not a child," y/n said. 

"We're your friends; it's our job to help you out." Ruggie gave the younger man a head pat as he walked past.

It's like they don't think I'm capable of taking care of myself, he thought. Flopping onto his bed, he grabbed his pillow, holding it to his chest. Why does it feel kinda— nice..? He shook himself from his thoughts. Whatever.


Silas and y/n were standing in front of y/n's house. "I'll see you tomorrow?" Silas asked, "Of course! I love doing this with you." Silas pulled y/n behind a stone wall that kept them out of the sight of y/n's mother. He gave his boyfriend a kiss, "Alright, see you, pretty boy." Silas winked, running off.

"How are you and your boyfriend doing?" Silas's mother asked, Silas blushed. "It's going great; I think I want to marry him one day." He sighed. "Do you think he'll marry me?" Silas asked, his mother smiled. "I think you two are a little young for that, but if you two do, I think you two will be cute!" Silas blushed, smiling. "We will be," Silas signed, "as long as y/n is next to me, everything will be cute." 

His mother squealed, "Oh my! You must really love this boy." 

"I do..."

"Mama?" He looked around his house, trying to find his mother. He found his mother and father sitting in the living room. "Hey! Papa, you're home early!" Y/n ran over to his father, "How was work?" He waited, "Papa?" And waited, "Papa..?" 

He sighed. "Okay, I'm going to take a shower."

"Your parents are still ignoring you?" Eli asked, y/n sighed. "Yeah, shit sucks." Silas tapped y/n's thigh, "It's ok, you don't need them!" He signed, "Thanks, Sil," 

"Aw, you two are so cute." Eli then made a puking sound. Silas rolled his eyes, "Ah, hush," y/n lightly kicked Eli under the table. "Hey!"



"You didn't even think about it!"

"No pets allowed in the dorm. They shed all over the place."

"First of all, I AIN'T NO PET. Second of all, I DO NOT! Aren't you guys, like, a billion times furrier than me?!"

Ruggie walked over, smirking, "This is about you, not us." 

Y/n looked over to the two boys plus the cat thing. As Ruggie leaned on the back on the his chair.

"For one thing, our empty rooms haven't been cleaned in months. Dorm students use 'em as a dumping ground for their junk. Where are we supposed to put up two extra freeloaders?" 

"Oh, I know! They can stay with you!" Ruggie giggled, making Leona groan.

"They can stay with me." Ruggie, Jack, and Leona all stared at y/n who had just softly spoken. 

"Really!?" Grim and Yuu yelled stars in their eyes, "Yeah, my room might not be as nice as Housewarden-senpai's, but I have the room." Grim flew over to him, "Thank you! Thank you! I was wrong about you!" Y/n stared as the cat hugged him. "Um..."

"Y/n, you don't have to," Jack's ears pinned bashfully. "It's not a big deal." Ruggie roughly ruffled y/n's messy hair. "Well, then look who saved ya'lls asses," Ruggie teased. Y/n blushed. "Jack, bring some bedding to y/n's room." 

"Will do".

"Not bad, human!" Grim said, looking around y/n's room, "Thanks? Anyway, the bathroom's through that door; I took a shower this morning, so it's all yours." Yuu smiled nervously, "Thank you again." 

"Truly, it's nothing." y/n laid down, "Goodnight.".


Jack and y/n's bond has leveled up to level 1. They have unlocked duo magic.

"Ya ready to see just how strong I am!?" (Y/n)

"Of course." (Jack)


Word Count: 1093


Thanks for reading sorry it took so long. Anyway make sure to vote/comment. Love ya'll.


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