Chapter 1: The First Day (Re-edited)

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"You can't be serious."

"Mom! You're talking to me!"


The young boy gasped, holding his cheek.


"You slut. I saw you and that mute boy!"

"Mom, its not-"

"Shut it!"

The woman turned away from her son.

"I can't believe this... Imagine what the church will say about this!! Not only do you have that (I saw a lot of people not understand what I was mentioning here so I'll say; she's talking about his magic)," she turned back around, making hand movements around the young boy, "thing. But you're a faggot too!"

"Mom! I'm not! I would never! He kissed me!!"

His mother looked at him and asked, "Why were you kissing back?"

"I wasn't."

"Don't you lie to me." She walked back to the young boy, grabbing the front of his shirt. "I saw you two; you pulled him over you, and you kissed him. You and him, it's disgusting."

"What? Mom..."

"I am not your mother." Y/n dropped to the ground, grabbing the bottom of his mother's dress and holding the cloth in his hands as he begged.

"I'm so sorry, mom!! I'm so sorry!! I won't do it again!! Please, just please, still be my mother!!! Please please! Just don't leave me." He bowed until his head was against the floor. "Please don't leave me." His mother looked down at him.

"Get up. I'll let you stay here until you're 16. Then you're out. Now, get out of my sight."

"That was the day I vowed to fix myself. I vowed to change. I vowed to never be with another man again. I swore it."


   "Hey, y/n, good morning!" Y/n looked up at his door to see Ruggie leaning on his door frame. "Hey there Ruggie-Sama, you don't have to knock, you know! You're always welcome in!" He smiled at the elder boy walking over to the half-hyena, puffing out his chest. 

"Can you tie my tie? I accidentally untied it." Today was the first day of school; it was y/n's first class since high school. It would be an understatement to say he was nervous. 

"There you go!" Y/n smiled and said, "Thank you, Ruggie-Sama!!" He pulled it down slightly, so it was loose around his neck. Ruggie took y/n's hand into his. "Let me take you to your class!" 

"You sure—?" Ruggie pulled him along, cutting off the younger boy's sentence.

  "Here we are!" Y/n smiled, "Thank you, sir," 

"Shyeheehee! It was my pleasure!" Y/n took a breath before entering the class and taking a seat towards the back next to a boy with purple hair, who nodded at him as he sat down. 

The teacher entered with a black-and-white cat in his arms. "Kitty," he whispered, staring at the large cat in his teacher's arms.

  "Hello students, my name is Trein Mozus, and this is my familiar." The cat jumped out of his arms and onto the table, sitting proudly on it as his master said, "Lucius," 

"A distinguished name for a distinguished gentleman." Y/n thought. 

  "I will be your social studies and history of magic teacher for the next 3 years." The man went to the blackboard, writing the words as he spoke, "Read pages 12-100." Y/n nodded, picking up the second-hand book his upperclassman got him (they wanted to give him a new copy, but he insisted).

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