Chapter 3: A Loin's Star Teacher★ (Re-Edited)

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I just realized that I said that y/n was 20... he's not he's 19 sorry for the confusion ya'll. 

Anyway enjoy this chapter! 


"Heya, g'morning! Up and at 'em you two!" Ruggie exclaimed, standing at the end of the mattress Yuu and Grim had slept on that night. "Mrah? Morning already?" Grim rubbed at his eyes, he looked over to the clock on y/n's nightstand. "W-wait, it's barely six!" 

"We have spelldrive practice here at Savanaclaw. Since you're apart of us for the next three days, you'll be joining." 

"Then why aren't you wakin' up y/n!?" Ruggie glanced over to the sleeping first year, "Y/n's not on the spelldrive team, so he doesn't go to practice." Grim and Yuu groaned as they got up and were ushered out of the room. "I need to go wake up, Leona; you two go to the spelldrive stadium."


"Come on, y/n! Lets go!" Eli grabbed y/n by the ankles, pulling him out of bed, "Ugh! Go away!" Y/n pulled his blanket with him as Eli dragged him to the floor. "Come on, you lazy bum!!!" Eli took the blanket away and pulled y/n onto his feet. 

"Come on, you can't stay inside all summer!" Y/n grumbled something about being too tired, dragging his feet to the stairs.

His father was sitting on the sofa. "Good morning, papa. Where is mama?" He asked, and as usual no answer. Eli pulled him along sympathetically, not wanting to see his best friend make one-way conversation with his parents again.

"Come on! You love basketball!!" Eli passed the ball to the younger, y/n caught it. "I'm not in the mood..." he groaned, dropping the ball. Elli picked it back up, dribbling it over to y/n, "What ya scared I'm gonna beat cha?" 

Y/n scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, you wish." Eli took a long shot, making it into the hoop. "That's one point for me. If you just stand there, then I'll win like a loser." Y/n turned. "Fine. I wouldn't want you to be more of a loser than you already are." Eli made an offended sound. 

"Hey!" He yelled as y/n stole the ball from him.


Ruggie, Jack, and Leona came into the kitchen covered in dirt. "Oh hey—really?" Y/n deadpanned, watching the dirt fall off his dormmate's clothes. "I'm gonna have to clean that, ya know?" 

Jack rubbed the back of his neck, "Sorry." Leona sat down at the table. "What you makin?" Ruggie asked, leaning on the counter next to the younger, "Florentine Butter Chicken. Now go take a shower, and maybe I'll share." Ruggie nodded happily, "Be right back! Don't miss me too much." 

Jack bowed, "Thank you." And went off to shower as well, leaving Leona and y/n. "Housewarden-Senpai—" 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm goin" Leona lazily walked off to his room.

The three came back to see six plates on the table. "Good job, where's—um, the two that stayed last night? I made them some too." 

"Grim and Yuu are in the cafeteria," Jack said, sitting down in front of a plate. Y/n pouted, "Ah well." Ruggie smiled, grabbing the two extra plates. "I'll eat theirs!" Y/n chuckled, "Alright, I hope it's alright. I mostly bake, but since you guys are carnivores, I thought I'd go out of my comfort zone." 

 Y/n smiled nervously and watched closely as Jack took a bite. His eyes widened. "It's bad, ain't it?" 

"No way! It's really, really good!" Jack began to wolf (no pun intended) down his meal, with Ruggie following. "Yeah, what he said!" He stated, his mouth full, "It's not bad," Leona lazily said, eating his as well. 

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