Chapter 5: The Loser Again. (Edited)

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Y/n arrived at practice just in time. He was in a loose gym shirt, it was basically just two pieces of cloth tied together it covered nothing. He ran into the ballroom just as Vil was about to comment about his absence.

"Will this be a regular thing y/n?" Vil asked tapping his foot impatiently, y/n blushed, "Sorry sir. I was doing my chores and lost track of time." He muttered bowing, Vil huffed, "You're going back to your dorm?" Y/n nodded, "Yes sir. Everyone has their chores to take care of the dorm. And Ruggie-San wouldn't take my chores, so I stopped by to do them." He said quickly.

Vil was amazed, someone went back to that dump of a dorm willingly? He was appalled, "Very well." He said leaving y/n to start practice.

Y/n tried his best but didn't think he did very good, so when Vil yelled for them to stop he was ready for a scolding. "Spudling Two. You're all over the place you almost knocked y/n right over." Y/n waited, but instead Vil turned to the other Heartslabyul first year. "And you're no better Spudling One. Y/n won't bite you, you cannot avoid getting close to him, you and him have dance together. Stop being a child."

Vil walked to y/n, "And what are you so scared of?" Y/n cowarded, "Sorry sir..."

Vil huffed, he felt like he was bullying a 7 year old, "What are you apologizing for?" Y/n avoided his eyes, muttering a smaller: "I'm sorry." Vil wanted to shake this boy! "You're not a bad dancer, but it's like you're dancing on hot coals. You need to calm down."

Vil walked back over to the aux, "From the top!" He demanded clapping.


Y/n went to his temporary room with a huff. He was nothing but sweat. He needed a shower yet he felt that fatigue setting over his whole body. He wasn't even in control his heavy body as his feet carried him to that bed. He slumped onto it. 

This isn't your house, this isn't your bed, don't get onto it all sweaty. He thought in disgust, get up. He thought, move ya lazy piece of shit. He put his hands in position to push himself up. Yet it was like he was paralyzed, he couldn't move. God damnit... he thought his eyes closing, with nothing but self hatred in his thoughts. 


Where was y/n at a time like this? Jack found himself thinking, watching as Leona blew up at a few first years who were causing trouble, Ruggie was 7 knew where so no one dared to stop him. Jack was watching wondering if he should even try and calm his headwarden down.

"Get." Leona demanded, the first years ran off. He sat on the sofa with a huff. This sucked, all of it sucked. He sighed closing his eyes and wandering off to sleep.


"I'm not good at running. Can anyone be better than someone else at running? I have to try harder than everyone else. If I was good at running wouldn't it come easier? I know, I know. Some of the most famous people weren't born with natural talent, but they had the determination I lack. I've heard it all my life, "Then just have the determination!", "You're in control of how much effort you put into things." I wish it was that easy, to just do it, just get better. Truly I do wish that. But that's not how it works; is it?"

"I've worked until my body collapsed. Till my legs gave out. Till my stomach lining came up. For years I worked, and worked. But I never saw improvement. Maybe I just wasn't working hard enough. Maybe I need to put in more work."

"So I did. While everyone else had their water breaks I kept running. While everyone packed up, I kept running. While everyone went home, I kept running."

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