Prolong: Learning About Each Other (Re-Edited)

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"Woah... Are you sure I can have this?" Y/n looked up to his upperclassmen, and Ruggie smiled. "Of course! It's on us!" 

"Me, you mean" Leona corrected. "Yeah, yeah, same thing." The eldest rolled his eyes going back to his meal. Y/n devoured the sweet he was given. He licked his lips after he finished. "Thank you!" Ruggie smiled. "No problem!" 

"Yeah, yeah, it's just some food." Leona said, nearly blushing, but y/n didn't think on it to much.

Going from store to store, his upperclassmen (mainly Ruggie) were telling him what to buy for his classes and even going as far as getting him some everyday clothing. After a few hours, y/n and his new friends came back to their dorm with the youngest's arms full of supplies.

"Thank you two for today; it was fun," y/n said, turning to his two upperclassmen who were lounging in his room. "Yeah, it was nothin'," Leona said, lying on the younger boy's bed.

"You're a good kid, y/n! It was fun," Ruggie said from the carpet. Y/n smiled and said, "I think that was the first time I've ever been taken shopping! Well, other than that, by my Anut—... anyway, thank you two." 

"What about your parents?" Ruggie asked, putting back a book he had taken from the bookcase by y/n's bed. "I mean I guess they did when I was little; but nowadays I highly doubt they care enough to get me or take me anywhere; let alone shopping. But that— that doesn't matter..." he replied, sitting down at his desk. "So were you raised by your aunt?" Leona asked, "Kinda, yeah, I guess you could say that." 

"So what was your parents problem?" 

"Um? I don't understand what you mean by that." 

"Why didn't your parents care?" Ruggie reasked, "Um, it was after I... um— let's just say somethin' happened and they had a good reason for it." Ruggie nodded. "Sorry for askin' I was just curious." Y/n giggled.

"Hyenas are very curious creatures; it's no wonder you'd be too."

Ruggie smirked, "Shyeheehee! I'm going to take that as a compliment!" Y/n laughed, "You should!"

"So any more questions?" 

"You have any siblings?" Y/n shook his head and said, "Not biological, but I got a few friends I see as siblings!" 

"Really? You the eldest?" 

"Nah, middle, I think," he thought for a minute, "yeah, because it's Eli, Lilith, Silas, me, Addi, Lyle, and Tri. So yeah, I'm exactly in the middle!" Y/n almost boasted. 

"You sure know a lot of people." Leona cut in, "Yeah, I guess, but to be honest, they're more people I know, and I highly doubt they call me their brother anymore." 

"Why's that?" Y/n looked down, chuckling sadly, and before Reggie could take back his question, it was answered. "I did somethin' stupid; let's just say. Anyway, can I ask about ya'll's childhoods!?"

Ruggie's tail wagged. "Of course!" Leona stayed quiet and y/n assumed that was a no, so he asked Ruggie, "How many siblings do you have?" 

"None," Ruggie said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Ah, where'd you lot live?" 

"Me and my Gran lived in the slums of the Sunset Savanna." 

"Ooo, the Sunset Savanna, eh? I've heard of that place! Is it hot there?" 

"Yes. It's a desert. Obviously, it'll be hot," Leona cut in rudely, "right- I should have guessed that."

"Where'd you grow up?" Ruggie cut in, and y/n smiled, "Northern countryside! Anyway, how did you and Housewarden-Senpai meet?"

"We met growing up! I was looking for a job, and he said that if I do something's for him, he'll pay me!" (I know that's not canon, but they don't say how those two met, so I made something up.) 

"Ah, so you two are childhood friends?" 

"Guess you could say that, though he's more like my attendant." Ruggie turned to glare at the housewarden. Y/n laughed, "You two are really close! Huh?" 

"Why do you say that?" 

"You two get along just like me and my childhood friends!" He giggled.

"S— sorry," he said, clearing his throat, "back to the subject. What is your favorite food?" 


"He'll eat anything as long as it doesn't have mold on it." 

"Very true, but if I gotta choose one, it'd have to be donuts!" 

"Housewarden-Senpai, what's your favorite food?" 

"Meat." Y/n waited for a moment before saying, "That's it? Just any meat?" 

"Is there a problem?" Y/n raised both of his hands, saying, "Not at all! I was just surprised!!" Leona smirked, softly chuckling at the youngers reaction.

At the end of the night, y/n ended up falling asleep at his desk; Ruggie woke up Leona to leave the younger's room. He moved the boy to the bed and covered him with his sheets.

"You seem to like that omnivore, Ruggie." Leona smirked down at his friend. "You do too, Leona. He seems like a good kid," Leona hummed. "Yeah, he does. We'll see if he really is." Ruggie rolled his eyes. "Alright, Leona, good night." 



"Mom? Dad?" A young y/n walked into what looked like a back door. He looked around what seemed to be the kitchen. "Mom? Dad?" No one answered, but water running could be heard from deep within the house. 

He walked towards the sound, only to find it was his mother getting ready for a bath. He turned so he couldn't see her getting undressed and called, "Mom? Why's the door open?" He knew better than to expect a response; he never got one, yet he still always tried, just in case one day things went back to normal. 

It wasn't always like this. One day, it just happened. No warnings, no nothing. Just happened. He heard the water stop and someone sinking into the water. He backed up and felt for the door handle; once he found it, he closed the door until there was just a small gap between the wall and the door. "Alright, mom, if you need me, I'll be in my room, doing my homework."

The women didn't answer. He walked into his room, leaving the door open, so if his mother needed him, she could call for him. 

It was the same thing every day. The younger boy didn't understand why his parents hated him now, but he didn't give up hope.

How stupid...

I was a dumb child. Underly stupid...

A slightly older version of y/n was now shown. He was standing on a dirt road. Two boys were in front of him. "...Who are you two...?" 

"Me names Eli! And this is Sailas!" A boy with long blonde hair stated, and the shorter boy next to him just waved, "Yours?!" 

"Y/n..." the shorter boy whose name was Sailas grabbed his hand, making a "come on" motion, he dragged y/n down the road, Eli following them with a smile.



I'm so sorry...

So so SO sorry...

Please forgive me.


Word Count 1163


Thank you for reading love ya'll 


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