Chapter 2: The Spelldrive★ (Re-Edited)

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"Y/n!!! Y/n!!!! Where are you?"

"What happened?? Are you kids alright?"

"Our friend! He's still under there!"


Y/n wondered how long it had been. 

If the authorities would find him. 

If they'd care.

"There's another kid in the rubble!!"

More footsteps, farther... closer... farther... closer... They seemed to come so close to him, then fade away. Was this just all one big last fuck you from the earth? Was this just one more example of how little he meant?

Well, at least, if he were dead, he wouldn't have to worry about upsetting his mother more...

Maybe she'd even forgive him.


Y/n awoke to something soft brushing against his hand. He looked around to see none other than his two upperclassmen next to his bedside, both of whom were asleep. Leona was asleep in the empty bed next to his, and Ruggie was asleep in a chair, his head resting on y/n's hand. He gently removed his hand from under the elders head and began to softly pet the hyena boy. 

Ruggie sleepily nestled into his touch; his usually teaseing upperclassmen was now like his cat, who always cuddled with him in bed. He smiled at this comparison.

He wondered if Ruggie would get angry if he touched his ears; they flicked in the direction of his hand each time he pasted them. Should he?

He touched the fluffy ear with two fingers, brushing against the inside of the hyena's ear. He rubbed the soft fur in between his pointer and thumb.

"Am I interrupting something?" His voice made him jump. A boy with cat ears came from a bed next to him. "Che'nya-Chan?" Che'nya smiled. 

"How are ya feeling?" The cat boy asked, y/n smiled. "I'm good; my head hurts a little, but overall; good..."Che'nya smiled. "Wanna lay down?" 

Y/n moved over, Ruggie groaned but didn't wake up. Cye'nya nearly jumped onto the boy's bed; he cuddled up to the boy. Ruggie's head made its way onto the younger boy's chest. Che'nya purred as he drifted to sleep.


Two voices yelling awoke Y/n, he opened his eyes. Che'nya noticed he was awake and smiled. "Alright! Well, it was nice to meet you, but I gotta bounce!" He disappeared, y/n felt Che'nya ruffle his hair. 

"You know that guy?" Leona demanded, and y/n shrunk down into the mattress. "Maybe... if I did, would you be mad?" Leona crossed his arms. "Maybe, should I be?" Y/n shook his head and said, "No, no! From what I can tell, he's very kind. I met him before it happened."

Leona shook his head disappointedly and said, "We'll talk about that later. How are you feeling?" Ruggie had run over to the water filter and got the boy a glass. "Fine, just a little disgruntled." He sipped the water. "Ah, L/n-kun, you're awake. How are you feeling?" The nurse asked, walking into the office.


The Heartslabyul dorm students came to visit him and invited him to the redo of the unbirthday party. He declined at first, but once they brought up sweets, he was all in. He wanted to make Ruggie and Leona come with him, but Leona gave him that king glare, and he dropped it instantly. He was released the next day and had somehow convinced Ruggie to carry him (even if you're taller, it don't matter) back to his dorm.

"Oh, hey, it's Leona and Rug—" Ruggie and Leona both turned to look at who had called to them to see two boys standing there, looking very confused. 

"Why are you carrying that boy?" The one with black braided hair asked, "He got seriously injured, and the nurse just released him. He insisted he couldn't walk... but I don't really believe that." Ruggie said sending a half-hearted glare to the first year.

Y/n smiled at him, trying to convince him of his point, but he didn't think it worked. "Oh, is this the boy who was slammed by Riddle?" The boy with white hair and a turban asked, walking forward to get a better look. "Yes, he was; this omnivore can't seem to keep his nose out of trouble." Leona huffed, sending another glare to the first year, who clung onto Ruggie for more protection. "Is he going to eat me?" He whispered to Ruggie, who's ears pinned, "Maybe..."

 "Can I feed you to him instead?" He was sent yet another glare; this day was not turning out well for him!

It took some time to convince the white-haired boy to leave them alone, but it ended with y/n promising he could come see him in his room tomorrow afternoon.

"You're too trusting" Leona said as Ruggie placed the younger onto his bed. "Why should I be worried when I have you two to protect me?" He smiled, "And besides he seems kind" Ruggie sighed smiling. He gave the boy a head pat, "the Spelldrive's comin up, you joinin?" Leona asked sitting down at the first year's desk, "Um, I'm not very good at Spelldrive." Leona shrugged, "Suit yourself".

So that's how it all started, y/n was kept in the dark as Ruggie and Leona carried out their master plan. As they began to take out each and every star player in other teams. Y/n wasn't told anything. Why would anyone tell him anything? They all thought he was apart of it. So they didn't mention it to him.

If they had told him. He would've tried to stop them. As he, Ruggie, and Leona where hanging out in the lounge they heard one of the students saying something about trespassers. Ruggie and Leona walked out to see what the fuss was about, leaving y/n alone to follow them.

"Ah I believe we met earlier in the cafeteria." Y/n leaned on the door watching as his upperclassmen talked to the flying cat and his friend. 

"Hey! It's the Grilled Cheeseburglar!" The cat called. Ruggie snickered, "Hey, hey, now, friend. Let's not get carried away with such delicious-sounding nicknames. I have a proper name befittin my manly stature. It's Ruggie Bucchi. Make sure not to wear it out."

Y/n watched as Leona joined their conversation saying that one of the students stepped on his tail. His fellow dorm mates jeered threats that Leona did little about. He only said they wouldn't beat the shit out of the students they would partake in a "friendly" game of Spelldrive.

"Spelldrive?" One of his dormmates asked looking at their headwarden in confusion. "After all, it doesn't violate any school rules to cast spells during a game of Spelldrive." He drawled as y/n walked to stand just behind them. Leona's ears twitched in acknowledgment of his new presents behind him, Ruggie's tail wagged as he laughed out a tease, "Shyeheehee! I doubt these weaklings could endure so much as a single game!"

"Welp, I'm not takin' THAT lyin' down. Now we got no choice but to fight!" The cat dared, "You say that like we had a choice to begin with..." a boy with blue hair said sadly.

Ruggie and Leona turned to y/n, "You wanna join?" Ruggie asked wrapping an arm around the youngers shoulders. "Sure... but I won't be much of a help" Ruggie snickered.


Ruggie and Y/n have reached friendship level 1 they unlocked duo magic:

"Watch this Ruggie!"

"The floors all yours"


Word Count 1233


★= bond level up/new bond

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Thank you for reading!


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