Y/n's Voicelines pt.3

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Questions Pt 2:

What is something that made you glad you could use magic?: "I have never been glad I could use magic—" Oh—: "But, there was this once that it was when I first showed magic, there was a puppy that was being harassed by a man in an ally. I used magic to save." 

Are you good or bad at flying?: "I am not incapable, however I'm not as good as Epel. Ruggie says that my flyin is alright so I guess that's somethin'."

If you could use flight magic to go anywhere, where would you like to go?: "I'd go see the world. I haven't been outside of my home city very much I wanna see what's its like out there... but sadly I have things to take care of back home so even if I can go anywhere I wish, I wouldn't be able to."

What's your best subject?: "I get full marks in them all." Which subject comes the easiest?: "Hm... Potion making and flight I guess I don't have to try very hard for those."

If you had to give someone advice on how to get better at Potion making what would you tell them?: "Don't waste your time on others. Read every book you can get your hands on, and take lots of notes. Friends are for people who have successfully learned everything. Put your study's first everything else second."

Could you tell me more about your family? (An upperclassmen): "... *sigh* since you're my elder I have no right to threaten you. However. Don't think that makes you entitled to ask whatever you please. I highly doubt you wish to hear about my home life. It'd sour your day."

What's your favorite spot in the whole school?: "The library's nice, no one really bothers me there. But there's a small library on the Heartslabyul campus that no one really goes to they have amazing sofa's and it's real quiet. I love it there. When the school days over I hide out there until Leona or Ruggie need me."

Do you have any hobbies? (An elder): "On record my hobby is studying. However my guilty pleasure is I love making flower crowns and taking naps around campus... don't tell anyone about that."

Do you have any childhood birthday stories? (Jack): "I had great birthdays with my parents before they found out I could use magic. But my best birthdays were with my Grandpa, he lived nearby and I would always be over at his place. I remember one birthday when my Grandpa took me to see my Grandma's horse's she died shortly before I was born. She had an old horse named Bay, I was too little to be close to her alone so anytime I would see her it was a special occasion. He took me on a ride with her and thought me how to ride... It was my best birthday."

When it comes to material possessions, what do you hold close to your heart?: "My lucky charm." And what would that be?: "Wouldn't you like to know?"

What are your thoughts on your dorm leader?: "Leona? ... Leona and Ruggie are very nice to me. I know they're only around me because they pity me... but— never mind."

How do you spend your free time?: "I don't have free time. I am always working."

What's something you're really good at?: "... I am not "Really good" at anything." What do you feel like you're alright at?: "I like animals, I think animals like me... maybe."

How does it feel when others throw you a party?: "No one's ever thrown me a party." What about your birthday party?: "When has someone thrown me a birthday party?" Never mind...

What do you think of your fellow freshmen?: "Eh? You wanna know what I think of you huh? Again? Fine, Trappola-kun is... *Sigh* he was so scared of me when he learned I was from the city of death... I get it, before that he was sweet, and after... we've never really been close. Deuce-kun and I have short tempers, we clash easily. Epel and I are what you would call "Friends" I guess... Jack and I get alone fine enough. And that vampire is nothing but head overs heels for Mall-chan, when Mall-chan's not around he's fine. I guess. And Grim's a sweetheart! And you... well your Yuu ain't cha?"

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