Chapter 5: Money For The Sick (Edited)

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Y/n didn't know how to act around Ruggie now. Ruggie treated him the same, if not a bit more touchy, Leona definitely knew what they did. He sent Ruggie glares every time he saw him. 

Y/n was a bit wobbly at practice that day, but Ruggie's spell worked for any pain. Epel noticed at once something had happened. "What's up with yeh?" He asked, y/n jumped, "Eh? Nothin happened, just a little stressed 'bout the performance." The actual performance was just a couple weeks away, and he was nervous about it. So he wasn't technically lying.

"Yeah, ah'm a bit nervous too..." Epel sighed, Epel? Nervous? Y/n thought that was odd, he always saw Epel as this badass farm boy who wasn't scared of anything. To hear him this nervous made y/n feel some sort of way. "The great Epel? Nervous? Oh please." He huffed, Epel laughed, "Hey ah get nervous too."

Y/n huffed, "There ain't nothin for a big guy like you to worry about. I'll be takin the attention off of ya by slippin up and ruining the whole show." He sighed, "Hey yah ain't gonna mess up. Yeh're finna do great." 

Y/n and Epel talked until his phone started ringing, "Hang on." He excused himself, walking away to take the call.

"Hello, is this l/n y/n?"

"Yes. How may I help you?"

"I'm sorry to tell you, but your mother has fallen ill."

"Oh my 7... is she ok?"

"Yes. She will get better however we need some medicinal attention."

"O— of course... How can I help I'm at college right now but if I need to get back I'll do it at once!"

"No, no, if you can get back I'm sure she'd appreciate it but sadly the medical bills will be around 100k thaumarks." 

Y/n's stomach dropped, "I can get that money, when will it be needed?"

"By next month. We'll be in touch."

They talked a bit more before y/n hung up.

"What was that?" Epel asked, y/n smiled, "Just something with my ma. Anyway let's get to practicin'." Now he had to win this!


"Y/n! Wait up!!" The young man panted, "Geez! There's no reason to run like it's the end of the world!" He whined, watching as his friend ran ahead. He looked back at his mute friend who was doing worse than him. Y/n had slowed to a stop panting. "We're here! The borders..."


"There's so much sand." Salias signed, "Yeah... my eyes are drying already." Eli moaned. Y/n tried to step forward but he jumped back, "That's hot!!" 

Eli laughed, "HA LOSER!" Salias silently laughed, "It's sand, it reflects light and soaks in heat." He signed. Y/n looked back at the sand. "How do we get across?"

"Well we can't bring horses they'll just get injured. We can't walk on it since it burns us through our shoes... We'll have to fly." Y/n and Salias looked at Eli confused. "Fly?" Salias signed, "How do we do that?"

Eli shrugged, "I have no clue." Y/n clapped, "Wowwww our hero." He said rolling his eyes. Eli grabbed his ear pulling gently, "Respect your elders." 

"Hey!!!" Y/n cried, Salias giggled.


"You want to work here?" Azul asked the younger man, Y/n bowed nodding "Yes please. I really need the money right now." He closed his eyes and hoped Azul would take pity on him. "Alright... alright." The 2nd year sighed, giving in. Y/n's eyes lit up, "Thank you! Oh thank you!" He bowed repeatedly to his new boss, who sat in front of him with a small blush on his cheeks. "Yes, yes. Now I want you to work at the dishwasher for today. Our main dishwasher called in sick." Y/n nodded happily.

"Yes sir! I'll get right on that!!" With one more bow the young man ran out. "Jade keep an eye on him." Azul commanded, going back to his paperwork. "Yes sir." Jade bowed leaving after the 1st year.

"Why can't I do it?" Floyd whined, "I wasn't aware you wished to." Azul hummed. "You may do it next time." Floyd smiled, skipping out of the VIP room.


Y/n washed the dishes while Jade cooked beside him. They enjoyed their work in silence, neither saying a word. Floyd watching as y/n hummed silently, "Jade switch with me!" Jade shook his head at his brother. "No can do Floyd." Floyd pouted, walking off to serve tables.

Jade glanced up and down y/n as he walked by, admiring how the tightly fitted apron hugged his lower back. Y/n suddenly got chills, he looked back. "Am I in your way, Leech-San?"

Jade smiled, "No. I'm just admiring your work. You're doing great." Y/n blushed,  "O— oh! Thanks..." He went back to his work with a slight pep in each movement. Jade chuckled cute... he thought going back to his work.

"Thank you for your help." Jade said bowing, "Of course!" Y/n smiled bowing back. "See you two tomorrow." Floyd waved excitedly, "See you Sea Bunny!" Y/n smiled waving.

"You really did give him that necklace..." Jade said watching as y/n walked back to the mirror. "Doesn't it look great on him?" Jade nodded.


"Evening Schoenheit-Sama." Vil nodded, "Good evening, heading to bed are you?" Y/n nodded, "Yes sir."

The young man walked to the stairs leading up to his room. "Stop right there l/n." Y/n stopped in his tracts. "Yes sir?" Vil held out a hand, "The bag of doughnuts in your jacket pocket." Y/n froze, no one knew about his jacket pockets. He had sewed them in himself, so how?

"I saw the seems, Chevalier Lion." Rook said walking over to the boy, "H— Hunt-Sama! I didn't see you..." he practically mouthed the last part. "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean however..."

"If you have nothing to hide then do us a favor and hand over your jacket." Vil held out a hand, y/n sighed, "Here you go..."

Vil looked through each of the four pockets, there was nothing in the outside pockets but the inside was a different story. There were pencils, pages to books, a coupon, an empty bag of chips, and last but not least a half eaten bag of fresh doughnuts. Still hot.

Vil handed back the jacket without going through the last pocket, y/n was glad for that. There was his sketch pad in there he didn't want to be found. "I will have to confiscate this." Y/n reached out a hand, "If you're just gonna throw them out may I eat them real quick?" Vil shook his head, "I will not throw them out. I will give them to Ruggie. That's who gave them to you yes?"

"Don't get him in trouble. It was me who didn't tell him the rules... My apologies it was nothing on him." Vil nodded, "You will have extra practice tomorrow."

"Understood." Vil waved him off, y/n bowed. "Thank you sir."

The two 3rd years watched as y/n ran off up stairs. Vil sighed, "Truly Rook what do you see in him?" Rook smiled, "He has potential."

"Not enough for all the work he is..." Vil muttered, Rook laughed "He might just win this for us." He finished going off to bed as well.

Vil shook his head looking at the bag of doughnuts. "That kid..."


Word Count: 1217


Hope this was alright.

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