Chapter 5: Nerve Wracking

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"Today's the day gentlemen!" Vil stated, he looked around not seeing a certain (h/c) haired first 1st year. "Where's l/n?" 

"He headed out early this morning, he said something about helping Ruggie-San and Leona-sama." Epel replied, Vil groaned. "Of course he did." He hissed through his teeth. "Alright..." Vil took a deep breath. "At 3pm the Song & Dance Championship will began, the Purple Stage which will be set up in the coliseum. The competition will be streamed worldwide. This is our moment to reap the beauteous seeds we've sown and take the entire world by storm! Don't disappoint."

Epel took a deep breath through his teeth. 

Vil took out his phone texting y/n's number the information.

"Rehearsals start at noon." 


Jack picked up y/n's phone upon his request. "Here you go." Y/n thanked him opening his phone to see that Vil's number had texted him. 


"You weren't at breakfast today so I suppose I should tell you via text."

"At 3pm the Song & Dance Competition will start. However practice starts at noon. I expect you at practice by that time. I'm sure you already know where it's being held, yes?"


"Yes sir. My apologies I had to help my upperclassmen with setting up the stage."

"I'll be there by 11:30."


Y/n sighed putting back down his phone. "Let me carry this one." He said trying to pick up a box full of something. Leona huffed, "Don't hurt yourself." Y/n nodded picking up the heavy box. He moved it to where Leona had placed his.

They opened the boxes and pulled out the poles used to keep the stage up.


"Woah! It's sill the same ol' coliseum but with a big ol' stage in it!!!" Grim cheered. 

"Keep it goin' keep it goin'... easy now..." Ruggie instructed backing up while Jack concentrated on levitating a large pole. "Alright Jack stop! Put it down here."

Jack sighed wiping sweat off of his forehead. "Geez that's harder than it looks."

"Aye! I told ya to put colored labels on the affiliate seats. Get it done." Leona yelled at the students in charge of the seats. "Yes sir!" They yelled.

"No, no, hun the red goes after the white. Pass me a white first." Y/n said to the other person helping him with the balloons. The other student happily complied.

"Ain't that the Savanaclaw crew!? Heyyyy!!" Grim waved happily flying over to Ruggie and Jack.

Ruggie turned to them smiling, "Well if it ain't the Ramshackle cubs! Ya'll here to chip in?" He snickered. "I thought ya'll where with y/n's group?" Jack said, before glancing over to said male, "Well I guess he's here so that makes some sense."

They talked for a bit before a loud voice made them all jump. "Talking on the clock are you?"

"R— Riddle-San! Hello sir!" Jack said tripping into a bow. 

"Well, well, well. If it ain't the management committee chairman himself. Surprised you'd deign to roll around in the dirt with us peons." Leona drawled.

"Rosehearts-San!" Y/n waved from his seat, "Hello l/n-kun." Riddle smiled, as y/n came over. "Is there something we can help you two with?" The young boy asked. "We know how hard you've been working all morning." The vise headwarden of Heartslabyul pulled some drinks from the container he was holding under his arm. Y/n had to try hard not to stare at his muscular arms. "Here—have some warm drinks, courtesy of the committee."

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