Chapter 3: Spelldrive Practice★ (Edited)

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"How do you keep convincing people to do this?" Ruggie huffed carrying y/n on his back. Y/n grinned, "Because your so strong and helpful!" He teased, Ruggie pinned his ears growling about how unfair the younger was.

They finally arrived without Ruggie's back breaking. He threw y/n onto the sofa. Huffing a "Finally" as he collapsed onto the carpet. "I could've carried him..." Jack said, Ruggie waved him off. "Ah too late now, you'll carry him next time." 

"I get it now, this is comfortable" Ruggie stared up at the straw ceiling. 

"Right?" Y/n turned over onto his stomach, resting his head on his arms under the pillow (his head is ontop of the pillow and his arms are like crossed under it, you know what I'm talkin about.) 

"You're always yellin' at me for sleepin' on the couch, and I turn around and you're here doin' the exact same thing." Leona teased standing in between his two friends. 

"It's different" he mumbled into the pillow all three male in the room leaned towards him not being able to hear him, "Eh? You can't whisper and speak into somethin'" Ruggie sighed, y/n lazily lifted his head, "It's different." He plopped his head back into his pillow, "How so?" Jack asked sitting on the floor next to y/n, the (h/c) haired boy picked up his head again, "He's a prince, and a prince shouldn't be sleeping on something like a public sofa." 

Leona's ear twitched angrily, "Oh yeah?" Y/n nodded dripping into a soft sleep before he felt weight next to him. 

"Eh!?" He yelled (normal speaking voice for most people) raising up half way, before he was pushed back down by the older man next to him, "Don't move." Leona said particularly laying ontop of him.

"I'm gonna go up to bed" Jack stood wishing his dormmates goodbye. Ruggie stood as well looking to see if there was any room for him. He saw room in front of y/n and took it. 



It was an odd feeling. It oddly put him at ease, he was so exhausted he didn't even fight the sudden attention, he didn't remember the last time he was this close to another person. 

He felt save... if he was awake he would've panicked at the odd feeling. For the first time in a while he didn't he have any dreams about the past he wished to forget nor did he have any night terrors.

He slept like he used to.


Ruggie awoke early the next morning with y/n's soft (h/c)ed hair in front of him, he yawned lazily fiddling with the soft fluffy hair. Y/n hummed nestling into his hand.

Ruggie slowly slipped out of the blanket someone must have thrown over them. He lazily walked to the kitchen seeing someone there already.

"Yo Remora." He said sleepily, the fellow second year waved happily, a piece of bread in his mouth. "You do know plain bread isn't breakfast. Right?" Remora gave him a middle finger walking off to eat his bread in peace.

Ruggie ate his, not bread, breakfast and went to awake the lion.

"Aw I feel bad wakin' him up" Ruggie whined looking at y/n curled up in the throw blanket. Leona groaned, "and yet you feel nothing when waking me." Ruggie ignored him, and stormed over to the young man ripping the blanket off and yelling "Up and at 'em!" Y/n whined trying to grab back the blanket, "Noooo" Ruggie grabbed him dragging him to his feet.

"Sorry kid ya got a class in 20 minutes!!" Y/n gasped, "Eh!? Why didn't cha wake me up earlier!!" He yelled running to his room. "Ya were just too cute to awake!" Ruggie yelled back.


"Yo, yeh look dead on yer feet." Epel said watching as y/n sat next to him, the Savanaclaw student hummed, resting his head on his arms. "Didn't get any sleep?" He shook his head "The opposite, I got the best sleep ever." 

He turned his head to look at Epel, "I- um," Epel cleared his throat looking away from the others sharp sleepy gaze. "That's good" y/n hummed again, "yeah, I wish I could sleep like that every night..." 

"Why can't cha?" Y/n whined, "It shouldn't a happened in the first place..." he sighed burying his head into his arms, "it was wildly inappropriate." Epel raised an eyebrow looking at his friend. "What did you do?" 

His heartbeat increased as y/n looked at him through his eyelashes, "I slept with Leona-Sama."


"EH!?" Epel's heart sank, y/n jumped up looking around, "What cha yelling about!?" He sheepishly apologized to his classmates. "You had sex with your Housewarden! What did you expect me to react like!?" 

Y/n blushed, "EH!?" He sat up panicked, "I didn't!! I meant literally!! We slept on the sofa together!!!" Epel put a hand over his racing heart, he still had a chance. "Oh! Why'd yeh word it like that!?"

 Y/n shrugged, "I thought it was implied! We're both men!! What else would we have done!?" Jack groaned, "I thought the same thing when you said that..." y/n turned to him in disbelief, "You were there!!" Jack shrugged, "You never know".


Y/n huffed as he sat down next to Ruggie, "What's up with you?"

"Nothin... just tired..." He sighed leaning on the tree behind him. Leona cracked one of his eyes open. "Didn't sleep good?" Y/n straightened up at once, "No! No! Not at all! I slept great!" He exclaimed waving his hands in front of him. Ruggie snickered, "He's pullin' ya tail." Y/n sighed in relief. "You're mean Leona-Sama..." Leona grinned, "I can't help it, your so easy to rail up." Y/n glared at him half heartedly.


Y/n went to the Spelldrive field after his classes. Watching as his dormmates played.

"I wonder if I could get into the track team..." He thought watching as Leona's team won, he clapped softly. 

"Um, you free for another round?" He asked his friends holding his 2nd hand broom behind his back, "I can take another one! What about ya Leona?" Ruggie asked putting his water bottle down on the bench, "Of course I can, but I feel bad pickin' on an Omnivore." He teased, "Hey—!"

 "I can join y/n's team." The three turned to Jack, "I wouldn't wanna be a burden to you." Jack waved him off, "It's alright. I don't have anything better to do."

Y/n's team ended up losing but he didn't care. He flew up to Leona and praised his playing, begging him to teach him everything he did. 

"Alright alright, you're like a kid..." y/n giggled, Ruggie flew up beside them, "What about me?" He whined, "You did great too! It's really really impressive how you can balance upside down! And how you can catch the disk without flinching! You've gotta teach me how to fly like you!!" He praised, Ruggie's eyes lit up. "Marry me." 



Ruggie and y/n's bond has increased to level 2! They unlocked special magic!

When Ruggie and y/n are placed to attack together, Ruggie will cast an aqua skill that hits 4 enemies, at the same time y/n will cast a powerful burst of energy that increases the damage of Ruggie's turn.


Word Count: 1208


Sorry for the wait, I'll try and do it faster next chapter and it'll be the museum! Thanks for reading, love ya'll


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