Chapter 3: Talents Not Genius! (Re-Edited)

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~One week later~

"It's time for class to start, whelps. Get to your seats. First, I'll pass back your tests." Mr. Crewel walked into the classroom, a stack of papers in his hand. "Myah hah! Gimme! Gimme! I want that test, Prof!" Grim yelled. 

Y/n and Epel both closed their eyes and crossed their fingers. Jack glanced at them. 

"Settle down, Grim. Stay. STAY! I'll call you by your class number. Number one!"

As he started passing out papers, it reached Epel, y/n, and Jack's turn. "Number 7, 8, and 9!" They grabbed their papers.

Epel cheered: "Yes, a 90!!!" Jack smiled softly, "95." 

"Y/n what did you get?" Y/n banged his head against the table in response, he raised his hand. "Can I retake the test?" 

"You got a 99; you can't retake the test if you got above a 50." 

"Please; sir! I can't have a 99 on my report card!" Epel clapped him on the back. "What're yeh talkin about? A 99's great!!!" Y/n put his head in his hands, "I'm gonna fail the year... I'm gonna have to retake the whole year; what if they kick me out?" 

Epel and Jack looked at each other, sweatdropping. "They won't kick you out, y/n" Jack comforted, but y/n sobbed in reply, "Yes, they will. I'm a failure!" Epel took the test from him: "Look, you got better than us! If you get kicked, then we all will. So at least we'll be failures together!"

Y/n couldn't help but chuckle at his friend's words, "Don't make me laugh, Epel! This is serious!" He whined, hiding his face from his friends. "Aw, but ya look so pretty when ya laugh!" He nudged Jack in the ribs, "Um, yeah. You're very very pretty when you laugh." Epel glared at him. 

"Stop it. You're making me blush," Epel laughed. "Fine, fine, you two brightened my mood; good job. But I'm still going to retake the test!" The other two groaned. "Wouldn't expect anything else."

"The school's fifty highest achievers will be posted in the hall. You can look forward to seeing that shortly. Now, let us begin today's lesson. Open your textbooks." Mr. Crewel stated, each student took out their books, y/n took out his notebook as well.


"The top 30 all had perfect marks!?" Epel exclaimed, he looked to his friend, who had snucken to the floor. "But look, y/n ya got top 40! That's great, ain't it!?" 

"Oh yeah that's grand— OF COURSE ITS FUCKING NOT!!!" Y/n looked at his hands, "I'm a failure. I might as well just drop out now." Jack noticed his friend's distress and walked over to pull him up. "Come on, let's get you some air."

Y/n dragged his feet as he was led to sit next to the garden outside the school. "I'm going to get you a sweet. I'll be back."

Epel sat next to y/n rubbing his back. "Mother and father were right..." 


"I should've never thought I could do this. I'm nothing. That's all I'll ever be. I'm so stupid!" 

"Hey now. Don't talk like that! You're one of the smartest people I know." 

"What's that mean if I'm not the smartest? I'm nothing if I'm not the smartest. I don't wanna be good; I wanna be the best... Ugh, I'm so stupid." Epel watched as his friend curled into a ball. "I should've have stayed home. I shouldn't have come here. I was so stupid as to think I could do this..."

*drop drop*


"I'm so glad I got in the top 50, man..." 

"Yeah I was scared when that thing grew outta Olli's head..." y/n perked up. "Excuse me," the two boys looked at him, "yes?" 

"I'm sorry, but I overheard your conversation. Mind telling me what happened?" The two boys looked at each other, then back at him. "Why not?"

"You made a deal... and got into the top 50?" Y/n's voice was a but whisper now; making all the boys lean in to hear him. "Yeah, basically." 

"Who was it?" 


"Who did you make the deal with?" The boys looked at each other and sighed, "Look, man, it's not a good idea—". 

"Please tell me. I need his help." Y/n gave them puppy eyes which were still glossy from crying earlier. 

"Fine. His name's Azul Ashengrotto; he's the headwarden of Octavinelle—" 

"Octavinelle? Y/n there's no way I'm letting you make a deal with that guy." Epel cut in, y/n looked at him in confusion. "Why not?" 

"Vil warned me about Octavinelle. He said they're nothing but lying, scheming, no gooders. There ain't no way I'm even letting you near that dorm!" Epel put his foot down, crossing his arms. 

"I don't see you stopping me. Thank you two." He got up and stormed into the building, "Yeah thanks a lot." Epel ran after him, calling his name.

"Ah, Jack, Yuu, what are you two doing?" Y/n asked, coming up to the mirror hall. "Oh, y/n. Sorry about leaving you two. I owe you one." 

"It's alright." Epel ran up as well. "Ah, Epel you decide to come along?" 

"No! I'm here to stop you from doing anything stupid!" Epel panted resting his hands on his knees, "What's he trying to do?" Jack asked, "Make a deal with the Octavinelle headwarden!" Jack and Yuu stared at y/n in shock. "What!?"

Jack and Yuu explained what had happened inside the Mostro Lounge; y/n seemed to beam. "That means he's still in there, right?" 

"I guess, so yeah. But it's employees only right now." 

"I can get through that. I'll see ya'll later!" He ran off into the Octavinelle mirror.


Woah, the Octavinelle dorm is underwater? That's so cool! He thought, walking up to the large dorm building. He opened the door, calling softly, "Hello? I wish to speak to the headwarden." 

"Ah! Hey there, Loinfish!" The tall boy, y/n now knew as Floyd, ran over excitedly, "Come in!" He grabbed the young boy's hand, dragging him over to a table where two other boys were talking.

"Lionfish says he wants to talk to you, Azul!" A tall boy with light blue hair looked over with a smile, "How can I help you? The lounge doesn't open for an hour or two." 

"I heard from two boys that you may be able to help me; can you?" Azul raised an eyebrow, his smile growing. "Oh, what do you need help with?" 

"I got a 99% on my exam and I'd like to make a deal where you change it or convince Crewel-Sensei to let me retake it." 

"And how do you want me to do that?" Y/n thought for a moment, "I don't know; that's what I want you to find out. You find out how, and I'll do the rest." Azul placed his elbows on the desk, leaning in. "And what's in it for me?"

"You name it."


Word Count: 1193


Ya'll like that little women reference in the title? I love little women I'm literally Amy March.

I hope this chapter was okay it all coming together so less of the canon lessons will be in here. Ofc they still will be but with my own touch. Anyway don't forget to vote/comment, and as always I love you guys!


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