Chapter 4: Guests? (Edited)

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The battle went on longer than the past two. She was stronger, and in turn y/n was too, he refused to give up like he did the first time. He fought and fought until his body physically stopped him. And even then he took out a bow and shot at her. Both he and the Licho were ruthless. The unbelievable amount of strength in between the two made the ground uneasy, the wind picked up, and the trees shook.

The Licho's screams sent goosebumps down y/n's skin. "Atta girl..." he bit his lip aiming the arrow at a branch above her. The branch fell with a loud thud. It wasn't a small branch it was a large heathy limb from an old oak that was as big as the sun was bright. 


"Huh... where could he be?" Tri muttered to himself looking around. 

"So you have no idea where he is?" Leona glared down at the young boy. "I know one more place." 

Tri took them to a small looking hospital, "Привет Три" (Hello Tri) a women at the front desk exclaimed,"Привет Три! Я ищу Т/И, он был поблизости?" (Hello mom! I'm looking for y/n, has he been around?) Tri's mother ruffled through some papers, "Нет... Кажется, его не приняли... зачем вы его ищете?" (No... It doesn't seem like he's been admitted... Why are you looking for him?) 

Tri motioned to the two men behind him, "Его друзья пришли, чтобы увидеть его. Они просили моей помощи" (His friends are here to see him. They asked for my help) His mother looked over to the two men, "Ah if you two are looking for him you should ask Bhuv".


Y/n was getting tired, his legs were in so much pain he would've been surprised if he looked down to see they were cut off. He willed himself to keep going, he willed himself to go on, he willed himself for his family, for his childhood friends, for his pets, for the strays, for his aunt and grandpa, for the children he saw as his siblings. The Licho screamed, she wasn't giving up either, her inhuman strength outweighed his simple human one.

She ripped the branch off her. 

His body was weighing heavily, his arms struggled to hold his bow, a shot rang through the forest. "Huh?" 

His legs gave out watching as the Licho retreated, "Y/n are you alright?" The voice of his best friend rang through his ears like a lullaby, his eyes closed as his body finally gave into his exhaustion.


"Oh is he not home?" Bhuv asked, scratching his neck, "No sir, I was looking for him, but he didn't answer the door." 

"Hm... perhaps he slept through your knocking. I wouldn't be too worried, I can give him a message though." He said to the two men then turned back to Tri, "Was that all?" Tri nodded, "So, do I get my-"



"Are you sure we can stay another day?" Ruggie asked, sitting on one of the motel beds in their room, "For the last time, yes." 

"Ya think he'll be mad at us for coming here?" Leona hummed a response, "Probably".


Y/n awoke to pounding on his door, he groaned, his dog looked up to the door in confusion. The sun coming from his window burned his eyes, he covered them as he wobbled to the front door.

"Hello?" He asked opening the door, he froze seeing his two upperclassmen standing outside. "Ruggie? Leona?" He straightened his shirt, opening the door to let them in, "Come on in, please."

"Is there anything else I can get you two?" Ruggie shook his head, "Nah. I like your apartment" he said looking around with curious eyes. 

"Thank you. Sorry about the mess. If I knew you were coming over I would've cleaned it more." He sat down his dog jumping onto his lap to continue her nap, his other dog sniffed the two beastmen curiously. "I hope you don't mind dogs..."

Leona scratched the large dog's ears lazily, "I love dogs!" Ruggie grinned as the dog came to him, "My cats' around here, somewhere. Anyway, why'd you two come way out here?"

"Is it a crime for a man to see his friend?" Leona asked. 

"No! No!" Y/n waved his hands around in a panic, "It's just I thought you would hate me after..." his voice wandered off, "Why would we? It ain't your choice." Ruggie's ear twitched annoyed. "I wish you told us before, but what can ya do?" He shrugged. 

"Are you two going home today?" He asked, trying to change the topic as quickly as possible, "I'm not in a hurry to get home..." Leona shrugged putting his feet up on y/n's coffee table, "There's not much room, but if you'd like I can sleep on the sofa, and you guys can sleep on my bed and the sofa I have in there. Or if you'd prefer, you two can have the bed and I can have the sofa." He motioned to a curtain, "I have a full sized bed, it's more than enough for you two."

Ruggie walked to the curtains pulling them back to reveal a comfortable looking bed with lavender sheets, there were 3 pillows, the bed was a mess and a fluffy cat was lying in the bundle of sheets. 

To the right of the bed was a small sofa, it looked comfortable, the cushions were fluffy and the pillows on either end were plush. 

"Sorry it's probably not what you two are used to..." y/n whispered, getting up to clean up the sheets, messily making the bed. Ruggie flopped down on it giving the cat a scare.

"It's niceee!" he cheered, "You and I can share," Ruggie said looking up to his underclassmen who was fixing up the sofa. "Huh? No no, I'm fine sleeping on one of the sofas."

"Come on! As you said there's more than enough room and Leona can have the sofa." Leona growled at Ruggie's statement, "Whatever the couches are comfortable anyway."


Lights came on, y/n stood in the middle looking down.

"I have never been good with others." His voice was still quiet but it wasn't the whisper he normally spoke in.

"My peers always told me I was too loud. So I quieted down, but my vocal cords got used to it. I've been quiet for years."

Everything went black, a small child with s/c colored skin stood in a classroom, "You're being too loud..." y/n cocked his head, "eh?" The teacher made a shushing hand motion, "Quieter..." Y/n whispered, "Like this?" 

"Quieter..." His voice went below a whisper. "Like this?" The teacher nodded, "Atta boy." She patted the young boy on the head.

"I was in first grade. I was still learning how to talk; my vocal cords cannot go past a "whisper" like most people can. It hurts..." Y/n sighed, "I want to speak up. I  really do... But I just don't know how."


Word Count: 1214


Sorry about the longer wait I was going through a writing block.

Thank you for all the votes and comments. I love reading your comments and replying and I love to see people loving my story. Chapter 4 is ending soon because it isn't at school so it'll be shorter.

Anyway thank you all.. Make sure to vote/comment if you're enjoying it so I know to continue.

Love you all


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