Chapter 3: A Contract (Re-Edited)

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"Hey mom! Guess what?" The woman didn't look when her child shoved a paper into her lap; y/n waited for his mothers praise.

"I got a 99!" Y/n cheered, looking up at his mother. "Mom?" His mother picked up the paper and threw it out. "Hey! What was that for?" His mother left the room, leaving y/n to stare at the trashcan his test was now in. If I got a 100, would she be proud of me? He thought picking his test out of the trash.

"Auntie, how are you feeling?" His aunt coughed, smiling. "I'm ok, my dear... How did your test go?" The boy smiled, "It went alright; I got a 99! Mom didn't seem happy about it, though..." His aunt coughed again, "Good job, honey. Next time, try for an 100 though. And ignore your mother; she's going through things right now." His aunt gave him a pat on the head as he sat next to her.

"Will you be out soon?" His aunt smiled, "Hopefully."


"Hey, I didn't catch you after your class. But I saw you got top 40!" Ruggie cheered walking with y/n to the dorm house.

Y/n smiled, "Yeah, but don't worry, next time I'll get number one!" Ruggie laughed, ruffling the younger's hair. "That's good, y/n! But 40's really good, so don't worry too much about it." 

Y/n smiled, handing him a bag. "Thanks Rugs. I got you those donuts I promised you." Ruggie took the donuts with stars in his eyes. "Thank you! You're my favorite underclassmen!" 

He and Ruggie walked into the lounge, where Leona was lying on the sofa. "Hello, Headwarden-senpai," Leona hummed, feeling y/n sit on the sofa with him.

"Where have you been?" Leona asked, his nose scrunched, "Eh?" Leona opened his eyes, "You smell like water. Where were you?" Y/n sweat dropped. "I think you're smelling my bath soap." Leona smelled the air again. "No way I would've smelled it earlier. You smell familiar... Were you just at Octavinelle?"

Y/n stood up, brushing off, "Well, you're clearly in a bad mood; soooo, I'ma go!" He ran off. 

"He so did something that's gonna get him in trouble," Ruggie said as he watched y/n ran to his room. "Hm, I don't care enough to case after him.".

Y/n sighed, "That was close. Epel acted like I was making a deal with the devil. I don't even wanna think about how they'd react." He flopped on his bed, and grabbed his phone, making a phone call. 


"Yeah, hi, um, my name is l/n y/n and my mother was just admitted into your facility, and I just wanted to check up on her." 

"Oh yes! L/n-san is doing very well; would you like to speak to her?" 

"No thank you; I just wanted to make sure she was alright. Thank you again for taking her in on such short notice." 

"Of course we're here to help!" Y/n smiled, saying goodbye to the kind women.

"At least she's doing ok..." he thought, sliding off his bed and grabbing a book from his small book shelf.


"Hey Silas, what's up?" A young y/n asked a young Silas. "I wanted to tell you something," the young boy signed shakily, "Your hands are kinda shaky. Are you okay?" He asked; walking up to the older boy. 

"I'm ok," he signed. "I wanted say that I—" he took a shaky breath, "I like you!" Y/n stared, trying to decide whether he got the signs right. "I like you too," he said, raising an eyebrow, "Not like that. I mean, I like, like you!" 

Y/n blushed, realizing what the other was saying. "You like me?" Y/n signed, the other boy nodded. "Can boys like other boys like that?" 

Silas smiled bashfully. "Of course they can... There's nothing wrong with loving or even liking someone. Is there?" Y/n remembered his pastor saying something about men and men but couldn't remember what he said exactly. 

He felt so happy when Silas confessed to him. It was like something he didn't know he was waiting for.

"I think I like you too..." Silas's eyes lit up, and he ran into y/n's arms. "Ah! Silas!" The elder had tackled the younger onto the grass. "May I kiss you?" Silas signed, y/n nodded subconsciously. 

He felt soft lips on his.

"Again please." Y/n mumbled, Silas happily agreed "Again..." Silas seemed to giggle, obeying the younger requests.

"Does this mean we're boyfriends?" Silas nodded. "Of course it does!" He signed happily. Y/n felt tears in his dark/light eyes. "Sorry! I don't know why I'm crying." Silas kissed the tears away. "Don't worry, y/n it's okay to cry," the elder signed. "Can we kiss again?" Silas nodded.

"I had never felt so happy in my life. I still don't understand why I was so happy. But I was... I wonder why it felt so right if it wasn't."


Y/n sat jolted up in bed panting, "Why did you have to make me fall in love with you?" He put his head in his hands, "Why?". The sound of his phone dinging shook him from his thoughts.


Hey there, Lionfish! Azul has some info for you!

So come over ASAP!


Yes, sir.


He got out of bed, got ready, and tied up his hair messily. It was the weekend, so he didn't have to do much. 

"Where are you going?" He turned to see Jack on the top of the stairs. "Um, I'm just going out," he said, looking down, trying to avoid his classmates eyes. "Are you going to see Azul again?" 

Y/n snapped back to look at his classmate. "What gave you that idea?" 

"You went to make a deal with him yesterday, right?" Y/n stayed quiet. "Want me to came with you?" 

"No thanks, hun. I can take care of myself." Y/n smiled. He turned before he could see Jack blush, "Hun?" Jack thought lifting a hand to his cheek.


"Ah, y/n welcome. We've been waiting for you." Y/n was lightly pushed into a chair by Jade. "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting." 

Azul smiled, shaking his head. "It's no worry; I called you to talk about our deal." Y/n sat up straight, "First, I wish to ask, why you are so hung over about a 99?" 

"I— I need a 100. I can't have a 99 on my report card, sir." 

"May I ask why?" Jade asked from behind him. "... M— my mother would be angry if she... if she knew..." he tried to giggle, giving the impression his mother would care. 

"Hm? Well, that's understandable. I have a way to get you that retest; however, we need to sign a contract first." Azul said, rustling through his drawer.

"A contract?" Azul pulled out a large stack of papers. "Here, give this a read." He slid the large stack of papers to y/n, who took them with careful hands.


Word Count: 1152


Thanks for reading this chapter this was half a filler chapter, more y/n lore who?

Anyway make sure to vote/comment!


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