Chapter 3: Rock sock (Re-Edited)

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"There you two are!" Ruggie moved the bushes the two Savanaclaw students were sitting behind, "What're you lot doing?" Ruggie asked, Leona's ear twitched, and his tail flicked. 

"I'm telling Headwarden-Senpai—" 


"Eh?" The beastman's tail wrapped around his wrist. "Call me Leona." Y/n sweat dropped as Leona's tail tightened around the younger boys. "Um, yes, sir. I was telling Leona-senpai about plants and mystical animals!" 

Leona groaned, "Shyehehehehehe!" Ruggie laughed to himself as he pulled y/n up. "Come on".


"Rock sock." 

The five boys looked at y/n and his immediate answer to Jack's complaint. Yuu, Grim, and Jack had just gone underwater to steal a picture Azul wanted, but they got cut off by Jade and Floyd. 

"What? You guys actually went to the Coral Sea?" Ruggie asked, lightly kicking the boy spread out on the rug. "Hah! How stupid can you get?" Leona laughed, kicking his feet onto the coffee table. 

"Mrah?! But you're the guy who said to "Get the ball rolling" right away!" Grim complained.

"When was this?" Y/n asked, looking over to Leona. 

"None of your concern. And anyway, I never said anything about diving headlong into the sea. Your time's limited. What I was suggestin' was that you use your head and find a worthwhile use of your time. Challenging merfolk head-on in the water is a losing proposition, no matter how you slice it. It's like walking straight into a carnivore's mouth." 

Y/n rolled his eyes. "Rock sock would guarantee your win!" Y/n pumped a fist into the air. 

"What is "rock sock" anyway?" Jack asked, "A sock filled with rocks! I've won countless fights with 'em" he said, dropping his hand back to his side, going back to starfish on the carpet.

"Um— did you guys know the twins were actually mermen this whole time?" Ruggie turned his attention back to his underclassmen, ignoring what his dormmate had said. 

"Maybe," Leona looked away almost bashfully. "I saw Floyd in his natural form at a joint swimming class last summer, and boy, let me tell you..." Ruggie rubbed the back of his neck. "If that guy came after me in the water, I'd be done for. End of story." He sighed, looking back to y/n who had nonchalantly touched his leg with his foot.

Jack's ears pinned back, "It woulda been nice to know that beforehand!" 

Leona crossed his legs, which were still resting on the coffee table. "Last I checked, you lot were the ones who ran off half-cocked without bothering to gather any intel. I would've been happy to share it all in detail if you'd asked." 

"Yeah! You gotta cover your bases before you start pickin' fights, y'know? Shyeheehee! Back at the Savanna, you gotta tread carefully if you don't wanna end up as someone's dinner." Y/n sat up crisscross, nodding.

"Grrr... You're the same! A couple of scheming jerks as always!" 

Y/n raised an eyebrow. "So does that mean I should kick you two out?" Yuu waved both of his hands, "No, no! That's not what Grim met!" Y/n giggled. "I'm pullin yer leg, Yuu." Yuu glared half-heartedly. Ruggie stepped in between the two before it could escalate any further.

"Does this mean Azul was planning on interfering from the start when he made the offer?" Y/n rolled his eyes, "Of course, a man like Ashengrotto-sama would never make an offer he couldn't win." 

Leona and Ruggie glanced at each other before looking to y/n, "Really now?" Y/n raised his eyebrows, humming lightly.

"Well anyway. The Leech brothers are Azul's top men. They're known for collecting all collateral and compensation from his contractors. And rumor has it, they run interference to make sure the contract terms can't be met." Ruggie put his hands on his hips.

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