Chapter 5: New Things... ♥︎★ (Edited)

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Epel dragged y/n into his room, slamming him against the door. "Ah got an idea on how yeh can make it up to meh..." Y/n blushed, "O— oh, how?" Epel grinned, "A blow job."


Ruggie's ears twitched, "I really feel like something's about to happen..." he mumbled, he couldn't focus on his chores, his mind kept wondering. He shook his head, ugh whatever he thought hanging up the broom he had been sweeping the hallway with.

"Alright I'm headin' to bed." He told Jack who was cleaning the windows. "Good night Ruggie-San." Ruggie nodded with a wave and a "Good night".

He laid in his bed, staring at his wooden ceiling, he never really had trouble falling asleep; normally he was so exhausted from working all day that the minute his body hit his mattress he passed out. But today... his mind wouldn't shut up. It kept whirling with images and words he thought were odd.


"Eh?" Y/n had never heard that word before. "What's that?" Epel seemed surprised, but didn't mind. "It's where yeh suck meh off." Suck him off? What did that mean?

Y/n was caught off guard when he was pushed down to his knees. "Yeh ain't understand do yeh?" Y/n confusedly shook his head, "Yeh put meh junk inta yeh're mouth and suck. If yeh're alright with it ah can show yeh."

Put his what into his what!? Epel laughed stepping back. "Ah'm jokin'— unless yeh wanna. Ah need yer help on the potions assignment." Y/n stood blushing furiously, "I— um." He coughed into his hand. "Yeah I can help you."

Epel smiled rushing to get his homework.


Vil had just finished explaining that they were to sing an original song, along with an original dance, "I'll pull up a dance video with similar choreography." He pulled out his phone, "There are many professional dancing accounts on Magicam... Ah here's one." He pulled up a video on a projector, "Ah a commercial." Grim pouted, watching as the screen lit up to show a white backdrop.

"Keep your skin as soft as powdered snow. This UV foundation is made to protect all your delicate curves."

A young boy showed, he had dark brown hair, light brown eyes, and a young, boyish, face. 

"It's finally here: a magical sunblock that makes all your wishes come true." The boy said, his voice matched his boyish looks. It made y/n think he was a child actor. 

"Félicité Cosmetics: Precious Protection Foundation." The voice said again, the camera zoomed in, "Here come closer." The boy said. Y/n heard his teammates talking but focused on the video for it was what Vil told him to do. 

"Makes you look 5 years younger." The voice continued, the boy's hair blew back, because of some kinda wind machine, "You'll look beautiful." The voice said, "More beautiful than now." The boy said winking. "Félicité Cosmetics. Out now at all beauty stores." The voice began to say all the legal shit he was required to, y/n watched as the number for the company showed on screen.

Not even the best skincare can make me look beautiful... Y/n thought, as he watched the video start, Vil said something he didn't register. He saw each man on screen, they were all beautiful. More beautiful than him. Epel dragged him up. "Practice's startin." He whispered.


Y/n walked to the Savanaclaw dorm absolutely exhausted, he had a book in his dominant hand. "Mornin' y/n!" Ruggie greeted, holding a basket of his and Leona's laundry. "Morning Rugs. Where's Leona?" Ruggie rolled his eyes, "Sleeping. Apparently skipping classes tried him out." Y/n giggled, "Let me help you with those clothes."

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