Pre Prolong

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"Ah, my dear esteemed benefactor... My proud, beautiful flower of evil.
You are truly the fairiest one of all.

O magic mirror, thy wisdom I entreat... Reveal unto me the visage I seek..You, whose image the Dark Mirror did beckon forth...

If your heart bids it, take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror."

The voice echoed through y/n's mind like a wardrum, a bright light shone in front of him, he wanted to cover his eyes but upon trying to lift his arm it was stopped.

A mirror showed in front of the young man, a hand appeared in it, reaching out of the mirror.

"Take my hand oh sweet, evil flower and I will show you the way of true evil."

A voice not like the one before said and a light skinned hand reached forward,

"Mind the warnings omnivore, you sure you can handle the path of true evil?"

A dark skinned gloved hand replaced the one before with a deeper almost growl like voice,

"Take my hand if you wish. But I warn you I won't go easy on you."

Another voice said in between the other two voice's in wasn't as deep as the one before it but was deeper than the first, a dark skinned hand reached out, it was bigger than the two before.

He reached out, the hands changed in between the three, and he grabbed the first hand he saw.

The fingers wrapped around his instantly,

"Shyeehehehe, good choice oh brave flower!"

The voice snickered, as it drug him forward, y/n tried to drag his feet to stop himself from being pulled in. But to no avail.

Everything went white.

Everything went still.

The hand that was holding his faded.

"See ya on the other side shyehehe!"

They drawled, y/n blinked. All he saw was black now, he tried to move but was held still by something.

All of a sudden whatever was holding him released and a bright light replaced it. He blinked at the lights, stumbling out of whatever he was lying in.

He fell to the ground, stumbling to his feet he heard snickering all around him. He lowered his head in shame.

"Move forward."

A voice behind him said, he looked around to see a man dressed in black and gold making a move forward gesture, he followed standing behind another boy.


Welcome to my story, I hope it lives up to your expectations, I swear this isn't one of those fics with 400-600 words (No hate to those fics I was like that for years) this is just a pre chapter every chapter will be at least 1,000 words. I hope you enjoy it.

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