Chapter 5: Old Habits (Edited)

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Y/n was in the school yard, a textbook on his lap, under a large tree. The only sound was that of distant students and small animals. He was taking notes in a new book Sam had gotten in. He had to work an emergency shift at the Monstro Lounge to be able to afford it but he didn't mind.

A whistle cut through the air like a gunshot, his head snapped up, a thin arrow shot the tree just above his head. The note attached to it brushed against the top of his hair. He reached up and ripped the carefully shot arrow out of the old wood.

"Thank you for taking part in the Song & Dance Championship auditions.
The following student have passed our rigorous screening process...
L/n Y/n.
Please report to the Pomefiore ballroom after school today."

Y/n stood, arrow still in hand and ran to where he knew Ruggie's class was.

"Rugs! Rugs!" Ruggie looked to the door that y/n was standing in hiding from the teacher. He made a coming motion with his hand. "Trein—Senpai! May I go to the bathroom?" Ruggie asked already standing, "Yes. But be fast."

"Yo what's up?" Ruggie asked, y/n handed the note over to the elder. "It was attached to this arrow." He held the arrow up, a part of the paper still attached to it from where y/n ripped the note off. "An arrow? Rook must've sent it..."

"Rook? Who's that?" Ruggie gave the note back to the younger, "He's the one with the short hair, speaks in French." Y/n remembered a man matching that description at the audition yesterday. "Did you get one?" Ruggie shook his head his ears going down slightly.

"Oh..." y/n didn't want to go, he didn't want to go where a bunch of strangers would stare at him... judge him, with Ruggie it'd be better, Ruggie made him feel safe. 

"Well then." He crumpled the paper and threw in into a nearby trash can. "I guess that was an embarrassing waste of our time." He said putting the long arrow into his backpack. 

"Wait you're not going!?" Y/n looked at the beastman, "Of course not. If you're not going to be there with me who can I hide behind? And besides I don't wanna make a fool of myself alone." Ruggie's eyes lit up, "Aw!" He tackled the younger in a bone crashing hug, "You really care about me!" Y/n staggered, patting the beastman on the back; it was times like this that reminded him just how much stronger beastmen were compared normal people. 

"But come on, you've gotta go this is an amazing opportunity for you and your family!" Y/n smiled, "I appreciate you thinking about me Rugs, but I ain't going anywhere like that without you!" 


At the end of the day Ruggie had to promise to give y/n 2 sweets every time he went to a practice. But that was nothing off his plate since it would all come outta Leona's pockets. Especially since it had something to do with y/n.

Y/n walked through the Pomefiore  mirror and looked around the grand place. There was a large White Castle with royal purple accents. It was so grand...

Y/n entered the front doors not seeing anywhere else to go. 

"You there."

He looked around to see a boy with red hair standing with his hands on his hips. "Oh, um... Hi." He said waving awkwardly, "Um— Can you tell me where the ball room is?" 

The boy cocked an eyebrow, "What are you mute? I can't understand a thing you're saying when you mouth it! Speak up." The boy said rudely, y/n walked nearer, clearing his throat he talked as loud as he could. 

"I am not mute it hurts when I speak louder than I was. However I was asking about the ballroom." He said as clear as he could, he was glad that he was put in a dorm with mostly beastmen. They had an easier time hearing him. 

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