Chapter 3: Under the Sea!?★ (Edited)

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Why did he say that!? Ruggie internally screamed, he saw the confusion on y/n's face and the shock on Leona and Jack's faces.

"Eh?" Y/n cocked his head, "Marry who? Who do you wanna marry!?" Y/n asked stars in his eyes, as he flew closer to the elder, "I—no one!! It's a sayin'!!!"

He blushed, flying backwards. Y/n pouted, "Damn, and I thought I was gonna hear somethin' too."

Ruggie watched as Leona took y/n's attention back; his underclassmen was so cute. When did I start thinkin' stuff like that? Ruggie thought, watching as Leona taught y/n.


"Alright ready!?" Y/n asked, practically jumping up and down. "Yeah, Yeah... Ya know, I would love it if you spoke in that volume all the time. But now it sounds like ya yellin'." Leona groaned, y/n giggled.

"Hehe, too bad talking that loud for too long hurts my throat." Ruggie cocked his head. "How? You were just talkin' in a normal tone." Y/n shrugged, "I don't know; that's why I talk so quietly. Anyway, let's get going! I've always wanted to see the Coral Sea!" Leona and Ruggie both groaned. "Let's get this over with..."


"Woah! Duudddde this is wild!" Ace examined, looking around in awe. "There's a statue of the Sea King. Hm. Guess there are more famous figures than just the Sea Witch." Deuce muttered, looking up at a buff merman holding a large triton. "Wow, he's pretty ripped." Jack added, admiring the king's toned body.

"Yeah, he's handsome..." Y/n  muttered; no one heard him. "Yeah, yeah... Let's just get this over with." Leona growled, pushing y/n along.

"Everyone, welcome to the Atlantica Memorial Museum. The Mostro Lounge will be giving you a study tour today! Or at least that's what's on paper... Anyway, enjoy your visit. Take your time and enjoy yourselves." Azul stated.

Y/n looked at the twins, them both in a form he'd never seen. He was never taught about merpeople in school; he had first heard of them in a book about water creatures. However, they were only mentioned in passing; he had never seen them, not even in pictures.

Jade and Floyd had long greenish-blue tales; he had expected a fork-like tail, like dolphins have, but instead they had eel-like tails. The greenish-blue scales went up the sides of their upper bodies and over their arms. They had large, fin-like ears and a greenish blush and skin.

"There ya are, Octo Azul—eh? You aren't in your merform? Are ya staying in your human one?" Ace asked Azul, who was standing normally in his everyday clothes. Although his clothes were much more preppy than everyone else's, Y/n suddenly felt insecure in his own clothing.

"Betentacled merman such as myself are uncommon around here. I would not want to draw unwanted attention to myself, especially considering our job here is to return this photo stealthily." Azul held up the photo to emphasize his point.

"I don't think anyone will associate that cute cubby kid with you." Jade said, his arms crossed and a shit-eating grin on his handsome face.

"Would it hurt ya to swim around in yer true form? Why limit ya-self to two legs when ya got eight?" Floyd swam over to the blue-haired boy. Azul waved him off, "Drop it. I'm going to return this photo, you guys feel free to look around."

Y/n grabbed Ruggie and pulled him up the stairs, to an odd looking violin on a pedestal. "What is it?" The elder asked, y/n jumped into an explanation.

"It's a Fosse Grim's violin! He played enchanted songs, luring women and children to drown in lakes and streams. Legends say he's still in a cave somewhere, luring unaccompanied children and women to their deaths." Ruggie's ears pinned anxiously. "But that's only a legend, right?"

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