Prolong: The Sorting (Re-Edited)

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All of the first years were lined up in front of an odd platform with a mirror hovering in the middle. A man with a crow mask was explaining to the crowd what the it did.

The first kid was pushed up, "Name?" A masked face showed in the mirror, the man stood straight with his arms tight to his sides, "Sebek, Sebek Zigolt!" He said in a loud voice that made a boy near the back sink into the cloak around him.

There were only a few boys left in the line and the students already sorted were getting impatient, two boys had slipped off with seemingly no body noticing. A shaking boy came up to the platform, he tripped on the first step when the head mage gave him a small push forward. Laughter rang around the hall, the boy stumbled back to his feet, blushing ferociously.

"What dorm do you think he'll be in?" A boy with white hair and a turban asked another boy with blonde hair and purple tips, the blonde boy looked up at the staggering boy. "Probably Ignihyde, look at the poor thing" the other boy looked back to the boy as well, "eh? What? Why?"

"Look at him, the poor things shaking in his boots" The white haired boy looked back, "ah kinda wish he was with us..." the other boy sighed, "He would fit in with us as well"

The boy walked to the mirror and looked into it, "State your name." The mirror stated, a soft whisper no one could make out was said, "Again. I couldn't hear you"

"...l/n y/n... sir..."

"First name last name?" The hooded man shook his head, "last... first..."

The mirror looked at the trembling boy for a moment, "Savanaclaw."


The boy staggered off the platform trying to hide in his cloak from all the eyes on him, "An omnivore like that?" A man standing at the end of a long table questioned y/n made his slow way over to the table, when the headmage stopped him. "Wait, l/n-kun come back," the boy made a small squeak. He slowly made his way back.

"Mirror are you sure? Try to sort him again," He said and lifted/let y/n climb back onto the platform, (lift if you're shorter and climb if you're taller since the platform is quite large). He staggered right back over to the mirror.

"This boys soul is nothing but anger, he will corrupt any dorm he is in. Put him with the beasts, it is where he belongs." The (h/c) haired boy bowed and rushed off to the table.

A arm appeared in-front of him, he looked up in surprise. "Sit here" the handsome man demanded, pointing to a spot right behind him. "Yes sir..." Y/n sat in the seat behind the standing boy. He could feel the glares of the other students in his dorm. "Yay... I wanna die" he thought sinking farther into his seat.


"I wanna take a nap let's get out of here." The standing boy said so the students closest to him could hear his complaints. 

"Everyone in Savanaclaw follow me, especially you omnivore. Stay close." Y/n nodded standing and stepping to stand next to the boy, all his other dorm-mates stood as well.

"Eh? Where did the headmage go?" A boy with red hair asked, the boy next to him hummed shrugging. "Maybe he has stomach problems" the white haired boy spoke out.

"I do not!!" A man with a crow mask exclaimed bursting through the large double doors. He stormed into the hall with a boy and an odd animal in a whip, in tow.

He explained that the boy had gotten lost and he was just getting him, the boy was rushed to the mirror only for it to say he had zero power, and for his animal to erupt into blue flames and start trouble. Two students ran after it.

Y/n glanced at the boy next to him, that he just realized had a tail. He couldn't tell because of the hood over his head, but now that he was looking closer he saw the outline of rounded ears. 

"What?" The man asked looking down/up at y/n, who looked away blushing, "Nothin' it's nothin'" he mumbled the man leaned down/over to hear him, "Why're ya lookin at me then?"

Y/n was going to mumble an answer but the odd animal passed them. He reached out and grabbed the scruff of its neck, "Hey!" 

He held the animal in his arms, and patted him behind the ears, "Hey!! Stop that! Oh actually that feels kinda nice..." The animal, that y/n now saw kinda looked like a cat, purred out.

The two boys stopped panting, "Ha, ha, how did you do that?" One of the boys asked, he was slightly taller/shorter then him, "Um I just grabbed him; sir..." He held the now purring cat closer to his chest.

"Off with your head!!" The boy yelled, a collar appeared on the cat, in shock y/n yet go of the cat nearly dropping him. "Ah shit, sorry!" He caught him, placing him safely on the ground.

The collar cut the cat's power off, so he no longer could float nor set fires. The headmage let the other students go, keeping the boy and the odd cat there.

When who y/n now knew was the Housewarden of Savanaclaw walked, y/n couldn't really keep up he had to kinda rush (rather you're taller or not). The headwarden seemed to find this quite entertaining.


They came up to a mirror and walked through it, the entrance was a desert looking area with a tree, a flag of a loin head on one of its branches, there was a large buffalo(?) skull near the entrance that he tripped over upon walking in. He gripped his Headwarden's cloak steadying himself on the elder.

"Sorry!" He said louder than he had before raising both hands up, "Don't let it happen again, omnivore. Now hurry on up." He turned to walk again, y/n ran to follow him.

Once they entered the large dorm building the housewarden slid his hood off, his ears twitched slightly. 

His fellow dorm-mates also took their hoods off, y/n rushed to do the same.

"Alright you lot's rooms are down that hall, you lot's rooms are that way, and yours is right there." 

Y/n was given a room right across from the front doors, "You get special treatment since your an omnivore" the elder teased, "Thank you sir." Y/n knew it wasn't a real compliment nor was it the real reason he was given the room but he thanked him nonetheless.


He opened the door to see a pretty big room. With a large a wooden wardrobe next to the door, and a desk in-front of a window next to it, the walls were stone and looked like an old kitchen, he thought it was cozy. His aunt's house had the same vibe, it made him feel at home.

He walked to the oak wood wardrobe and slipped off his robes, and day clothes, and into the night clothes he had been given. 

It was a two piece pajama suit, with the Savanaclaw logo printed on the left chest, and both on the pockets of both bottoms. The pants went just longer than his legs, and a long sleeve shirt that's sleeves went over his hands. There was another short sleeve shirt and shorts for the warmer nights; but he decided to wear the long sleeve. After all nights in the desert were freezing.

He looked in the drawers of the desk, and drew the curtains on the small window just to see what it showed, before he closed them again and moved to a door that he thought lead to a bathroom. He opened the door to confirm his suspicions, he looked around before going back to his bed. Having done his search, and thought it efficient.

Lying down on the comfy comforter he stared at the ceiling slipping in and out of consciousness.


Word count 1350


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