Chapter 4: Back To NRC★ (Edited)

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"Relieve some tension?" Y/n asked, "Yeah, if you wanna, I mean." Y/n cocked his head, "How?" Ruggie climbed over the younger, his fingers trailed down to the hem of y/n's shorts. "I could... I could jack ya off."

"EH?" Ruggie was making y/n feel the same as Leona did when he had y/n against that wall a few weeks back. "I— mean—" No no! He couldn't he wouldn't what if his mother were to find out!? It's wrong! But Ruggie's fingers were so gentle... No! No. He couldn't no matter how hot Ruggie was, no matter how gentle his fingertips were, no matter how his voice made the younger feel, and no matter how much his pants tighten, he wouldn't give in.

"I— you— we can't" Y/n mumbled his eyes fixed on Ruggie's fingers which were playing with the strings on his pants. "That's fine I thought you'd say that. I can give you a massage that'll have close to the same effect." Ruggie said smiling to hide his disappointment, he knew the younger would say that, but he still had to shoot his shot.

Y/n laid on his stomach, Ruggie's calloused hands worked the knots out of the younger's lower back. Ruggie's thumbs worked into the bones of y/n's lower back, he tried not to let his mind wonder, tried not to think of how deep his— Ruggie shook his head.

Y/n moaned, "Your good at this Rugs..." Ruggie blushed, he tired not to think about the noises y/n would make under him. How it'd feel— 

"Alright you feel better?" Y/n nodded lazily, "Yeah thank you," Y/n smiled at his upperclassman, "Of course, what are upperclassmen for!"


Ruggie has been fighting his hard on for a good while now, he laid staring at the ceiling. Trying to calm his mind, he would really have to take care of his problem in the bathroom of his underclassmen.

The bathroom was nice, it was clean and the only item that seemed dirty was the bucket that collected his up stairs neighbors sink water, he walked over to the toilet and told himself to get this over with as fast as he could.

~WARNING: very very suggestive content ahead!~

"Eh Rugs?" Ruggie caged the younger under him, "I've imaged this so many times..." Y/n covered the bottom of his face, "Oh yeah?" Ruggie licked his lips, "Yeah..."

He leaned down to the younger's neck and began unbuttoning his shirt, "You sure you're okay with this? Once I start I can't promise I'll be able to stop." Y/n's arms found their way around Ruggie's neck, "Yeah I'm sure, I want you to be my first." Ruggie grinned, "Hey, I'll make it the best too." Y/n blushed hiding his head in Ruggie's neck.

Ruggie chuckled, holding y/n waist, like it was made out of sand and would break if he touched too roughly. And with how gentle his underclassmen was, he wouldn't be surprised if he did break if treated too roughly. He pressed a soft kiss to y/n's neck. The said man buried his head deeper in Ruggie's neck, still very bashful.

Ruggie let his hands wonder to y/n's thighs, giving them a gentle squeeze. Y/n moaned into his neck. "P— please Ruggie..."

"Give me a minute to appreciate chu." He mumbled back, almost in a pout. He let his hands go around the younger's thighs, he realized he could almost touch his fingers. He blushed, his hard on hardening still. "7..." 

Y/n hummed bashful and curious. "My fingers can almost touch." He informed, y/n buried his head in Ruggie's neck more as a response. "You're such a pillow princess." Unlike the real life y/n whom he'd probably have to inform on the term, in his dream the younger man understood and corrected with a soft "Prince..."

Ruggie snickered, his hands going to squeeze the other's ass. Causing y/n to whine, "H— hey!" Ruggie only squeezed again before slipping a finger into him.

~End of suggestive content~

Y/n had never thought of doing anything with another man; he and Salias were too young for that. But now...

He groaned turning over to watch Ruggie's chest go up and down as he slept. His eyes fell on Leona's tail, which was flicking as he slept. He wondered if either of them had done it...

He shook his head, Don't think of your upperclassmen like that! He thought slapping himself. Leona's ear twitched, "Quite down over there." He drawled, y/n jumped to look at him, "Sorry..." Leona shook his head, "Don't let it happen again." He stood up and went to the bathroom, y/n watched as his tail disappeared behind the door.

His mind wondered, would he use it during— y/n shook his head, NO, no! You're both men it's wrong! He slapped himself again, "If you keep that up you'll end up hurting yourself." Leona said walking back out of the bathroom. Y/n stayed silent this time.

"What?" Y/n didn't look over, "What?" He asked back. "Why are you lookin' at me like that?" Y/n shook his head, "I don't know what you're talkin about, maybe you should get back to sleep."

Leona walked over to the younger, "Don't give me that shit." Y/n looked over to him, "It's nothing."

He didn't know which was more overwhelming his horniness or his jealousy.

If he was honest his mind keeps going back to the bodies of his classmates, y/n always thought it was because he wanted their strength and beauty. And that was part of it; but another part was because he yearned for their body on his. He yearned for the intimacy he was told was wrong for so many years.

He didn't know which was consuming him that night. 

But Leona couldn't know about either.

"It's nothing really. You should get to bed." Y/n turned away from him, curling up to sleep. Leona sighed, "Whatever."


The next weeks went by fast. And before they knew it it was time to go back to NRC. Y/n and Bhuv talked for much longer than Leona was happy with. "Alright, that's enough." He said to the two man, Bhuv rubbed the back of his neck. "Of course, y/n be careful ok?" Y/n smiled, "Of course Uncle. I'll be careful." The older man hugged his nephew. "Alright I love you." Y/n waved, "I love you too."

Y/n stepped through the mirror, Leona went to follow but a voice stopped him, "You take care of him ok?" Leona and Ruggie looked to the tall man who was on the verge of tears. "Of course sir." Ruggie said with a smile. Leona nodded going through the mirror.

Y/n jumped onto his bed, sighing at the softness. "Ah that's the stuff..." he moaned stretching. A knock on his door made him groan, "I'm coming." He drug his feet to the door.

"Hello." Jack his classmate stood at his door. He and Jack were friends, sure; but weren't that close, "Oh hello Jack, come in." Jack nodded at him as he entered, "Your room is amazing..." he said looking around.

Y/n giggled, "Really now?" Jack nodded, the h/c haired boy pasted to throw himself onto his bed once more. "So what's up?"

Jack blushed, "I wanted to ask—" he cleared his throat. "I heard you and Epel talking before break about track, I'm apart of it so I wanted to ask if maybe you wanted to run with me." 

Y/n sat up, did Jack remember that tiny comment he made and made a point to ask him after break? Y/n couldn't help but blush, "Oh... I would love that but I can't promise I won't hold you back..." Jack smiled, "You won't I promise."


Jack and y/n's bond had increased to level 1! They've unlocked special magic!

When an injured y/n is played with Jack, Jack's next attack will be heightened and after the attack y/n will heal by 3%.


Word Count: 1330

(Edited, I added more suggestive stuff since before you could hardly call it suggestive.)

Real smut coming soon I promise!

Thank you for reading! Sorry about the break I hope this chapter was worth the wait. I love you all, have a good day/night!


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