In Between Chapters 3-4: Flower Crowns (Edited)

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It was nearly time for the holidays; y/n was getting more and more nervous; he had to go home; he didn't have much choice. It was either go home or let the Licho take his home. He had fought her twice now; the first he lost, the next he won. 

He was terrified. And when he was troubled, he made flower crowns.

It was an odd thing that he had been doing for years. His grandfather had taught him the craft. His mother hated it, and making her hundreds of flower crowns didn't help. But it was the only thing that made his mind have some kinda peace.

Which led him to sitting in the forest that surrounded Night Raven. He sighed, adding his daisy flower crown to his basket. Which was overfilling with what he had spent the past 3 hours making.

"Hello there!" The sudden voice made the poor boy jump, slipping up his tie. "Oh! Um, hello there, sir..." The other boy giggled and landed on the ground in front of him.

"A lot of people are looking for you, you know?" The other boy asked, looking at the crowns in the basket. "Huh!? They are?" Y/n jumped to his feet, looking at his phone in panic. 

"Oh no! It's already past curfew! Leona—Sa— I mean Leona's gonna be pissed," he picked up his basket, pulling out a crown from it. "I'm so sorry! Here, take this: I know it's not a lot, but it's the least I can do right now. You have a great night!" He ran off, leaving one of the carefully crafted crowns in the other boy's hands.

"What an odd boy..." the boy thought, fiddling with the crown.

"Father, welcome back." He looked up, seeing his son sitting politely on the sofa in his dorm common room. 

"Heya!" He sat next to a horned boy. "What are you wearing, Lilia?" Lilia giggled, touching the crown now placed atop his head. "The boy who was missing gave it to me as a thank youuu!" 

"So he's alright then?" The horned boy asked, Lilia giggled again. "Oh yes, he's just fine. He just got distracted." He said, touching the crown again.


Leona sighed, finally finishing with the rant he had been going on for the past 30 minutes. "Are you ok?" He asked, his eyes softening. "Yes, sir..." Y/n looked at his legs muttering a soft shameful reply.

"Hey, hey. Leona go easy on 'em." Ruggie finally cut in, feeling that y/n had been scolded enough. "It was a simple mistake." Leona huffed, "Whatever." 

"Come on, y/n. I'll walk ya to yer room."

"I'm sorry for freaking you two out..." Ruggie grumbled, "It's fine. Just don't do it again. We had the whole ass school was lookin' for ya." Y/n cocked his head. "Why?" 

"Because you're not a beastman; you're just human. It's rare for a human to be sorted into Savanaclaw." 

"So what?" Ruggie groaned. Did he really have to sound out everything for him?

"Leona started keeping a close eye on you to make sure you didn't get eaten. That's why I brought you to lunch in the first place. Of course, now I actually think of you as a friend, but we still have to be careful. For all we knew, you were dead somewhere." Oh, so that was it. They thought he was just weak. And he was actually starting to trust them too. "Oh... well then. If I'm that much of a burden, I'll stay outta you two hairs. If it makes everyone more comfortable, I can transfer to another dorm." He said matter-of-factly. 

"Hey now. Ya ain't gonna switch dorms or anythin'." (Any Obey Me fans in here? I'm getting a little carried away with Rugs I feel (he's such a Mammon kinnie))

"Are you sure? I don't want to burden you and Leona—Sa—" he cleared his throat, "I mean you and Leona." Ruggie waved him off, "Yes, stay around here; ya ain't a burden. Now get some rest."


It was time for training. Y/n had gotten a little distracted as of late and hadn't been training as much as he should've.

"Deep breath..." He took one deep breath in, and with his exhale, he swung the wooden pole he was using as his sword into the barrels.

"And out... again." He repeated the motions again and again. He didn't have time for anything else. He was due to go home in just 4 weeks; he needed to cram. And next semester, he wouldn't laze on his training.

As he trained, he listened as the sound of other people grew less and less and the animals began to settle down. He looked at his phone, an hour until curfew. He should head back before he's late again. He pushed his barrels back against the barn and put his pole back into the broom it had been attached to. 

He had been working at a local farm for a few weeks now. The elderly couple that owned it had gotten up in years and so had their livestock. So he leant a free hand.

Yes, he needed money, and he needed it badly. But the animals were so sweet and cute, and the couple was nice to him, so he offered. He bide good night to the horses and cows, put the chickens back in their coop, and headed back to campus.


"Where were you?" The tall blonde asked the slightly shorter one. "I saw a fox get into the chicken pen, so I saw to it that he was chased out." The first blond groaned, "Must you speak in riddles?" The shorter laughed, "Oh, Roi du Poison! You falter, moi! But I am not speaking in riddles. I am speaking in—ba! What do you call it?" The taller placed down his brush, moving on to remove his makeup. "Metaphors? Expressions?" The French man jumped at the first, "Oui! Oui! Metaphors! I was speaking in metaphors."

Being done with his skin and hair care, the taller man stood, brushing off the imaginary dust on his lap. "Who was this "fox"?" 

"I believe his name was Eli Asker." 


Word Count: 1069


Who's proud of me!? Who is it!?!!?!! I can't believe I finished this in a day!  You can definitely tell but it's whatever... 

Fun fact: Daisy's mean Innocence, Loyal love, and I'll never tell. Soooo, yeah, that'll come in handy later.

Hope you liked it and I can't wait to write the next one!


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