Chapter 5: Beastmen Tail★ (Edited)

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"What?" Leona asked, glaring at y/n. "Hey, hey now! Don't shoot the messenger!" He exclaimed holding both of his hands up, "I'll just be staying at that Ram— somethin dorm, for 4 weeks."

"You don't wanna stay,do you?" Ruggie snickered, y/n blushed. "Well no, but the Headmage went out of his way—"

"Fuck the Headmage!" Leona growled, "I'm puttin my foot down. Who's gonna clean the dorm and do your chores while you're fuckin around at Ramshackle? Ruggie? I don't think so."

Ruggie nodded, "I won't." Y/n sighed, "I got into a fight with one of Schoenheit-Sama's students. So it's the least I can do."

"Hold up." Ruggie smirked, "You fought a Pomeifore student?" Y/n looked down, "I lost my temper. It was dumb." Ruggie burst out laughing, y/n looked to Leona confused "What's so funny?"

Leona smirked, "You fighting someone." Y/n cocked his head, "Eh?"

Leona gave in after y/n said that he would come and do his chores everyday after school. 

Y/n packed his few belongings into a trash bag. And left out the door.


Y/n hesitantly knocked on the door with the large knocker in the middle. The door opened soon after, "Hello y/n." Y/n bowed stepping into the large house, he looked around the foyer, "Thank you Yuu-kun, you have a very nice house." He said, Yuu smiled, "Thank you. Your room is on the second floor, 7th door." Y/n nodded.

He looked around the room anxiously, "I wanna go home already..." He whispered, he opened the large wooden dresser. And flattened the trash bag over the bottom of the drawer, followed by his clothes, he placed the 3 books he took with him on a small empty bookshelf above the dresser.

"Do I go down?" He wondered, he had looked around the large room and saw nothing else to really do. 

He opened his door and peaked outside of it, he saw one of the Heartslabyul first years, Deuce Spade, if he remembered correctly.

"Excuse me, Spade-*Dono was it?" Deuce turned around, "O— Oh! Um— yes, your l/n right?" Y/n nodded walking over to him, "I wanted to ask about what we're doing at the moment," Deuce smiled awkwardly, "Um— we're about to have a meeting in the common room."

"Ah, thank you." Y/n walked off, he heard footsteps rush to keep up with him. Neither of them spoke, but that was what y/n preferred.


"Y/n you were late, if you would be so kind as to let me look through your things."

Y/n nodded, "Of course sir." He walked Vil to his room, upon opening the door Vil saw nothing. Y/n opened the drawer that held his clothing, "Here's my clothes and my bag, Vil shuffled through the clothing seeing a trash bag underneath. "Why is there a trash bag in here?"

Y/n blushed, "That's my bag, sir..." Vil closed the drawer, "My apologies." Y/n smiled, Vil opened each and every drawer seeing nothing in the others, "Is that all you brought?" Y/n pointed to the small bookshelf above the dresser, "I also brought those books, sir." Vil looked at the titles, "Alright," he cleared his throat, "While you are here I am banning all snacks that detract from a optimum nutritional intake! Monosaccharides and oligosaccharides contribute to lethargy, while fats and spices can incite acneic breakout."

Y/n didn't understand half of that but all he understood was, "NO SWEETS!?" Vil raised an eyebrow, "Yes. Is that a problem?"

"You bet it is! What am I gonna do without my life's purpose: to eat sweets!?" Y/n cleared his throat, "Sorry I forgot who I was talkin to. Sir, please don't do this to me."

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