In-between book 4 & 5: Running Feelings★ (Edited)

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"You ready?" Y/n rubbed his eyes nodding to his classmate. "Ok tell me when you need a break." 

Their jog went around the school it was about 3 miles all together. Y/n hadn't run in a while so it was harder than it used to be.

"You're better than I thought." Jack commented chugging from his water bottle, y/n panted, "Is that a compliment?" Jack blushed, "O- of course it is! I just wasn't expecting you to keep up with me so easily." Y/n smiled sadly.

After a moment Jack couldn't keep the question in his throat, "When Leona overblotted you said something about a track team you were apart of." Jack paused to see y/n's reaction, hoping it wasn't a sore topic yet knowing it probably was. 

Y/n stared at him with wide eyes, "You remembered that?" The question caught him off guard, "Yeah, I mean it obviously hurt you. So why wouldn't I?" 

Y/n cocked his head, then laughed, "No one's ever remembered stuff like that about me before! We're not even that close and yet you remember some tiny thing I said a few months back!" Y/n seemed genuinely happy about this, it made Jack feel some kinda way.

"Is there a reason you haven't joined the track team here?" Y/n's smiled faded to a smaller sadder one, he sighed. "I guess... I don't know, it's just—" he ran his hand through his hair, "I have anger issues— like bad anger issues. It mainly came out when I ran.  Because track was my one way ticket to getting out of there. I'm sure you already know where I'm from." He looked over to Jack for his answer, the wolf nodded, "Samoća city, right?" 

Y/n nodded, "Yeah, we don't have any college's there, all we have is a small building where every grade from kindergarten to 12th grade is. So getting into college mainly lays on sports or other activities like that. I wanted to get out of there so bad, I thought that if I got into a good college and got a good career maybe—" he took a breath, and ran his fingers through his long hair, "Maybe my parents would talk to me again." He looked over, "Ya know?"

His parents don't talk to him? Jack wondered looking into those empty e/c eyes, he saw the sadness, "So you're scared that the anger will return?" 

Y/n shrugged, "Partly, but the other part is, maybe my parents hate magic. But if I make a lotta money and move them somewhere better, maybe just maybe they can look past how I got my money and more what I got them with it. So I wanna put all my focus into school and make a shit tonna money then get my mama into a good asylum and my papa into a nice apartment near-by! Then they'll finally talk to me again!" His e/c eyes filled with stars, Jack's hand clenched into fists. That isn't a parent! He thought, he felt bad for y/n, the way he talked, he knew that no matter what the other did, his parents most likely will never talk to him again. Or at least not how y/n wanted them to.

"You know I was their miracle child." Y/n looked back up at the blue sky, "They were both in their late 30's when they had me, they had always wanted a baby, but they just couldn't get pregnant. But one day my mother became pregnant. At least that's what they told me when I was little." The boy's eyes began filling with tears. "I mean they used to talk to me, love me... I don't know what happened." His voice broke but no tear fell. Jack felt worse, the poor boy didn't even know why they stopped, that was worse. 

"Hey..." He grabbed y/n's hand, "They aren't worth it. Any parent that'd do that to their kid doesn't deserve a kid to begin with." Y/n stared, he sighed, "I deserved it, I wouldn't talk to me either after what I did."

"What'd you do? If you don't mind me asking." Y/n stated silent for a moment, "I— think it was after I first used my special spell— its so fuzzy I can't remember much but there was this— man that was hitting on this puppy. I ran to them, I got the puppy and protected him with my body, then..." y/n lifted a hand to his forehead, "I can't remember much after that, but the puppy had a good owner, apparently that man was her son's friend both of them were disgusting at what he did, the puppy was ok. He grew into a good dog." Y/n smiled, "That's all that mattered to me, but when we got home from the hospital..." a tear fell down his face. "They never talked to me again." 

He didn't bring up when his mother yelled at him for kissing another boy, how could he? What would Jack say? He'd obviously be disgusted, who wouldn't? He didn't what to lose a friend; and Jack was so nice... so ho—. Y/n shook himself mentally, No. He thought standing, "Well anyway, I just— I don't want people to see that. It's better for everyone if I stay off the track."

He held his hand out to the other, "Let's head back, I have lunch with Rosehearts-Sama at 3." Jack nodded taking his hand, "Are you and Rosehearts good friends?" Y/n shook his head, "I wouldn't say we're close but we're friends, at least I think we are..." Jack smiled, "That's good."


"Where were you?" Leona asked looking over from the old book in his lap, "Jack invited me on a run." 

Y/n said sitting down on the bed next to his upperclassmen, "What's this note about Moonwort here?" Leona asked pointing to a neatly scribbled note about the rare plant, "Ah well as you might have read that Moonwort is very very rare however, one day I was walking around in the forest and found an old abandoned barn, I found a large patch of Moonwort around an old Horse shoe, I couldn't find anything about it in the book so I decided to write notes about my findings. It turns out that as the power of this herb lies in breaking the bonds; many horses have found themselves unshoed after galloping past them!" 

Y/n grinned, "Ain't that just so cool!?" He exclaimed, Leona hummed, "Yeah it is, do you have any?" Y/n nodded, "Yeah I have some photos in that box in the bottom of my closet."

Ruggie moved to the closet opening it and grabbing a small wooden box, he brought it to the two men also sitting on the full sized bed, sitting crisscrossed waiting for y/n to open the odd box.



Jack and y/n's bond has increased to level 2! They've unlocked special magic!

When y/n and Jack are played together they will attack one enemy together, this will deal an enormous amount of damage, the only thing is you cannot choose which enemy they'll attack.



Word Count:1188

Sorry this was boring or something I swear next chapter will be on track to book 5!

Love ya'll!


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