Chapter 5: The Beauty Of Insanity

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Yuu and Grim went to the stands, "Eh? Is that Leona and Ruggie?" Grim asked seeing the 2 Savanaclaw students standing in the stands leaning against the railings. "Hey! Ruggie! Leona!" The two students looked over, "Oh hey there." Ruggie greeted, "What are you two doing?" Yuu asked.

"Y/n begged us to stay around." Ruggie snickered, "You three are really close huh?" Yuu smiled, "I wouldn't say close." Leona drawled, "We're just here to support a friend."

"Oh? So was y/n supporting you the other day when you dragged him to the garden and make him nap with you?" Yuu smirked. Leona's ear twitched in an irritated way, "Sure." Leona smirked.

The practice started with the mics connecting to the speakers. "Hello? Can you hear me?" A familiar voice asked, "Yep!" Epel said from the stage. "Good!" The voice also came up on stage, "Sorry bout the wait!" Y/n said to the three in the crowd, Ruggie held up a thumbs up.

The rest of the team got up on stage, Ace pasted the young Savanaclaw student bumping into him; setting him off his balance, he stumbled sending a glare to the Heartslabyul student.

"Geez they really don't get along, huh?" Grim asked, watching the scene in-front of them. "They used to get along alright; until where he's from came out." Ruggie said watching as the practice began, "I remember that, he and Deuce said that something about how horrible the people from Samoća city were." Yuu said.

Leona huffed, "Bitch." Ruggie nodded, "He doesn't even know y/n. He's a sweet boy." 

"Sure..." Yuu said remembering the violence y/n showed to Ace. Sure the boy was alright. But not what he would call "sweet".


Kalim ran over to Yuu and Grim, "What'd you think!?" He exclaimed. Y/n stood behind him nervously looking to his upperclassmen, the two walked over to him. "How'd I do?" Y/n asked, Ruggie smiled, "Ya did great! Ya singing was amazin'!" Leona huffed, "Ya did fine." Y/n smiled, "Thank the 7... I was worried." 

The three Savanaclaw students spoke away from everyone else, keeping a hushed tone.

"If they aren't careful that boy'll turn on them." Ace said, Deuce couldn't help but nod, "Yeah... I don't understand how they can be so relaxed around him. He could do anything at any moment..."

"Just because he's from a bad area doesn't mean he's a bad person." Rook said calmly. The two Heartslabyul students looked back at him, "You might think that, but I don't." Ace turned and walked off. 

"You truly think he could be a good person?" Deuce asked.

Rook nodded, "Yes. I know he can." He cleared his throat, "As my family says: La seconde chance est toujours la règle à suivre." He walked off. Deuce looked over to the students. 

Ruggie had pulled out a sweet sneakily, y/n took it happily, using his two upperclassmen as a shield from Vil's gaze, he happily munched on the sweet.

Deuce watched as a boy from the cursed Samoća city ate the sweet like a happy young child. He wondered if he could truly be capable of the stories he had heard. 

His teacher had told them a story in 10th grade. Told of the stories of Samoća city's awful treatment of each other. No one was safe, to survive you had to kill. That's what Samoća city was known for, y/n l/n was a cold blooded killer. He had probably killed thousands. And yet, he watched as y/n licked his fingers clean from the frosting of his piece of cake.

He watched y/n bow and thank Ruggie and Leona, he watched as Ruggie blushed and waved him off, he watched as y/n hugged Ruggie and Leona, he watched as Leona blushed. He wondered how the shy boy could kill someone.

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