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So I added bonds, if you re-read this fic you'll see that at the end of some chapters there's a new notes there. If you don't wanna go through all that I understand here's what the bonds are right now!

Ruggie and y/n:

Level 1:

Duo Magic

"Watch this Ruggie!"

"The floors all yours."

Level 2:

Special magic

When Ruggie and y/n are placed to attack together, Ruggie will cast an aqua skill that hits 4 enemies, at the same time y/n will cast a powerful burst of energy that increases the damage of Ruggie's turn.

Leona and y/n:

Level 1:

Duo Magic

"Don't hold me back omnivore."

"Wouldn't dream of it sir!"

Level 2:

Special Magic

Y/n will hit the opponent with 3 fire balls while Leona hits that same opponent with wind, making a fire tornado. This will do incredible damage.

Level 3:


When you invite either Leona or y/n into your guest room the other may appear as well! This will not make any of the characters currently there leave.

Epel and Y/n:

Level 1:

Duo Magic

"Ya ready Epel?"

"Let's show these city kids who's boss!"

Jack and y/n:

Level 1:

Duo Magic

"Ya ready to see just how strong I am!?" (Y/n)

"Of course." (Jack)

Azul and y/n:

Level 1:

Duo Magic

"Do everything according to plan, alright y/n?"

"Alright, alright. No need to worry Mr. Ashengrotto."

Che'nya and y/n:

"Let me show you how we do things back home." (Y/n)

"I'm all ears meow dear!" (Che'nya)

Bhuv and y/n:

Duo Magic

Level 1:

"Watch this Mr. Bhuv!"

"Let me see!"

More will be added as the story goes on I'm in Paris rn so once I get home I'll go ahead and update this fic. If you want more shit from me I'm still writing on this fanfic: Lemon Boy (TWST  x Male Reader harem) or here's the link:

Love you guys sorry about the short break love you


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