In Between Chapters 2-3: Aftermath And Start Of Exams★ (Re-Edited)

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"Hey y/n— What's wrong, honey?"

"Nothing, Aunty... I just did something stupid." Y/n sat down at the square diner table, and laid his head on his arms.

"Oh, honey, I'm sure it wasn't that bad."

"It was. I nearly killed Eli and Silas," he said as he heard a cup suddenly hit the table. "Huh? How?" He looked at the cup, picking it up and taking a sip.

"I went off the hook again, but this time I made an oning come down on them. I hate this stupid thing." He groaned, laying his head back down, looking at his hands in anger.

"Oh honey. Your ability isn't a bad thing. It was given to you to help people; it makes you special." Y/n groaned.

"You don't get it." He took another sip, "It's awful." His aunt looked at him pitifully.

"You poor thing," she said as she walked back to the kitchen. "It's cold; come in here; I'll make brownies."


Ruggie laid next to y/n on the rug. Y/n had tried to tell him to sleep in the bed, but he denied. He looked at the younger boy, sleeping peacefully. I've never felt this way... his thoughts made him reach out to move some hair from y/n's face. 

"What's up?" Y/n asked, nestling into his hand, "What's wrong?" He cracked his eyes open.

"Nothin'" y/n moved the blanket, making space for the beastman. "Come on, I feel bad."

"No it's ok—" despite Ruggie's words y/n yanked him up onto the bed. The younger man curled up, his face in Ruggie's lightly toned chest. Ruggie covered the bottom part of his face, trying to ignore his body's reaction to the closeness he closed his eyes wondering: What's happenin to me?


"Mornin'" y/n mumbled as he dragged his feet over to his upperclassmen waiting by the door. "Finally, 'bout time you showed up. We're almost late." 

"Not like you're going to class anyway," Ruggie commented as they walked out of the mirror. "All the good breakfast is going to get picked up." Ruggie rolled his eyes, "Ah. Of course".

Y/n was a lot more polite than the other two, so it took him longer to get his breakfast. This led Ruggie and Leona to wait by the door. 

"Hey Leona," Leona hummed, "Does y/n make you feel weird?" Leona glanced at Ruggie in confusion. "Not particularly, why?" Ruggie's face heated up again. "I don't know; he makes me feel weird." Leona shrugged. "Even if I did feel weird around him, it's not like it would matter." 

"How so?" 

"It sounds like you fancy him, Ruggie. It wouldn't matter if I liked him; a prince can't marry or even date a man. It wouldn't matter." Ruggie turned fully to Leona, "I don't fancy him! I don't fancy any guys!"

Leona rolled his eyes, "Sure, you don't." 

Y/n ran over, panting, "Go go!"

"I can't believe you stole a tart from Riddle!" Ruggie had fallen to the floor upon hearing his underclassmen's dilemma. "It's not funny!" 

"If you're so stressed about it, then why'd you do it?" 

"He had the last one, and fuck me if I'm not going to eat without a sweet." Ruggie laughed harder at the childish words. "Ugh, I'm gonna have to face him in potions class!" Y/n whined, leaning against the tree behind him, covering his face. "Skip with me." 

"I can't! It'll affect my grades." Ruggie hiccuped, trying to stop his giggles. "I'm sure one missed class won't affect your grade much." 

"My grades are already affected by my nurse leave! If I miss one more class, I'll have an A!" Leona groaned, rolling his eyes. "And that would be so heartbreaking!" He mocked, "Oh, shut it!" Y/n lightly hit Leona; they rolled in a half-playfight, half-trying to kill each other way. Ever since Leona's overblot y/n had calmed down around him a bit. (Although he still called him "Housewarden-Senpai") They started getting along more, Leona didn't know what it was but y/n always acted... different around him.


"Yo, y/n over here!" He heard the southern accent of his friend, whom waved him over. "Hey there, Epel. How've you been?" 

"Worse without yeh. Sorry about not vistin. Vil's training's been hellish!" Y/n laughed, "It's alright, Epel, I get it." 

"Ah can't believe we're having mixed potion classes with the second years," the boy groaned. "I get what you mean; I may or may not have stolen a tart from Rosehearts-Sama at breakfast, so now he may or may not be looking for my head. And not in the magic way either." Epel winced, "RIP man".

"Thanks dude."


"Part- nope! Jack, let's be partners!!" Epel ran off towards the large first year. He's behind me, ain't he? Y/n thought whilst turning around slowly. "Hey, Rosehearts-Sama! You're looking very handsome this afternoon!" He sweatdropped, Riddle blushed softly but kept his cool. "Be my partner." 

"Actually, I don't-" 


"Yes, sir." Riddle drug the first year to his desk.

A boy with teal hair looked down/up at him interestedly. "Hello there, Lionfish!" Y/n looked over to the other, "Me?" The boy nodded. "Yeah! You!" Y/n hid behind Riddle, "Oh, hello then, sir. Is there something I can do to help you?" The boy stepped closer to him, "What—" 

"Floyd, come on," another boy with teal hair said, catching the other's attention. "Coming, Jade, see you around Lionfish!" The boy walked back to who y/n thought was his brother. 

"Ignore him." 

"Yes, sir."

"As repayment for my tart, I expect you to help me clean my dorm." Y/n sweatdropped but shakily asked, "Will there be any sweets?" Riddle stared at him, "No." 

Y/n pouted, "Damn..." 

"What was that?" 

"I'll be there at 4, sir!" 

"Thought so."


A few days later, it was time for the text of the year. Y/n had studied all week, no breaks; hell, he practically studied in his sleep. Yet he was still nervous; his hands were shaking and sweaty practically the whole time. As he turned in his exam, he hoped his handwriting was somewhat legible.

"So how do yeh think ya did?" Epel asked, walking along side y/n, "I think I did alright. I just hope the teachers can read my shitty handwriting." Y/n sighed, "Feel yeh." 

"Hey Jack, how'd you do?" Epel asked as they came up to the wolf first year, "I did okay.".

They walked to the cafeteria, "Alright, ah'll see yeh'll later." Epel waved as he pouted over to the Pomefiore table. "Who was that you were walking with, Chéri [darling] Epel?" 

"Which one?" 

"The (h/c)-haired one" 

"Oh, that's y/n l/n; he's a friend in my class." Vil watched as the young man sat at the Savanaclaw table. "If he achieved some table manners and cleaned up his clothes, he would be quite beautiful." Vil mumbled.

"He is beautiful." Epel hissed, "Oh, oh, oh! Mon chéri [my darling], I quite agree with Monsieur [mister] Epel; that young homme [man] is very dashing! However, his beauty would be amplified if he cleaned up a bit." Epel stayed quiet, not trusting himself to keep a cool head.


Epel and y/n's bond has leveled up to level 1. They've now unlocked duo magic:

"Ya ready Epel?"

"Let's show these city kids who's boss!"


Word Count: 1246


Thank you for reading this was kinda a fuller chapter so hope you still enjoyed it, please vote/comment if you did! Also I do know French so if you use google translate it may not be exact and I apologize I'm using the French I know and the meanings I know for it. 

Love ya'll hope you have a great day/night!


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