Chapter 3: Octopus Pot★ (Edited)

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He hid behind the protection of his upperclassmen, hearing running behind him.

"Azul! What are you doing!?" Jade asked running into the mirror, his brother, Ace, Deuce, Jack, Yuu, and Grim following.

"Whoa, what's goin' on here??" Floyd asked, "Dude, this does NOT look good!" Ace exclaimed.

Deuce pulled out his magic pen, "Is Azul going outta control!?" Jack's ears pinned, Leona's tail found its way around y/n's wrist. 

"Looks like he's sucking different students' powers by force" Jack almost whined, if y/n knew him better he'd grab the back of the young man's school blazer. But he grabbed Ruggie instead.

"Leona! You were bullyin' him, weren't you!!?" Grim snarled, "Y/n was bullying him more." 

"Eh!? You were teasing him more than I was!!" Leona glared down/up at the younger, "Now you're blamin' me?" 

He turned back to the ramshackle students. "You're the one who told me to turn the contracts to sand in the first place."

"Ah Jade, Floyd! You're back! Can you believe that thanks to these FOOLS I lost all my contracts?" He laughed, pointing a finger at the twins. "Which is why I going to need your powers, now. Give them to me!" 

Jade held up a hand, "Hold on now, without the contract you'll just suck all the magic out of any human you put that spell on." Y/n lived mostly without magic, the idea that his magic would be sucked from him wasn't too troublesome to him, however the idea that an overbloted Azul having his signature spell was troubling.

"But I lost it all, you see? Everything! Aha ha... AHA HA HA! I'm going to revert back to my old self if I don't act now!" Azul laughed crazily. Floyd pouted, "Y'know, Azul, I never saw you as lame before. But now? The way you're actin' is pretty lame." 

"I never got why people hated you so much... but now I understand. You're mean y/n. That's what you are, a mean schoolyard bully. It's pathetic."

*Drop. Drop*


"Ooohhh, is that a fact? I'm just a silly little octo-twerp who can't do anything on his own. That's why I'm going to take everyone's powers. I will rise above your perceptions. A beautiful singing voice! Powerful magics! All of it, MINE! Hand it all over at once!" The black shadow behind Azul grew. He laughed crazily. 

"What's all that black gunk drippin' outta Azul? That...ain't ink, is it?" Floyd backed up, y/n began swinging the sock still in his hands. "He's using his signature spell too much. The blot is exceeding his cumulative tolerance! If he doesn't stop... he's going to overblot!" Jade took his magic pen out.

The fight was hard, it lasted about 50 minutes ending only when Jack and y/n hit the shadow at the same time.


"The only place I ever truly belonged was in an octopus pot."

Two other mer-children ran over to the small Azul, "Hey! Frizzled Azul, ink-spewer!" One of the children teased, "Awe ya gonna cry? Why don't you wipe those tears away with one of your eight legs?" 

Azul sniffled, "Cut it out! Why are you treating me like this?" the children laughed, "Run for it! He's gonna ink us!" the two children began swimming off, "Like he could keep us with us if he tried!" He second kid yelled back, leaving Azul sniffling.

"Unlike other merfolk I have lots of feet with suction cups. I'm an introvert, I never assert myself. I'm hopeless in both academics and athletics. I'm always alone. Always the silly little octo-twerp."

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