Chapter 1: The Queens Anger (Re-Edited)

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Eli tried to turn y/n around so Salias could join this conversation, but y/n stubbornly kept looking forward.

"What's wrong?"

Eli's voice broke his heart; and he could practically see his boyfriend's heartbroken expression.

"Why is he ingoring us— me?" Salias signed to Eli.

"Y/n. Don't ignore me. I know you hear me. Tell me what's wrong." Y/n slapped Eli's hand away from his cheek.

"You got me disowned. You two got me disowned." His voice wasn't soft anymore; his voice was always soft. He was always practically whispering, but he wasn't anymore. He spoke in a loud, harsh tone.

"What how!?" he turned to face the two.

"She saw us. She—" Salias's eyes widened.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry." Salias was cut off by Y/n's hand being raised.

"Fuck off, Salias. Just shut up. This is all your fault!"

"Hey! How is this his fault!?"

"He tricked me! He made me like that!"

"Y/n thats—" Salias' signing was again cut off.


The ground began to shake.

"Y/n, what are you doing—?" A beam that held the oning they were under crumbled.

"You will not make my mother hate me anymore than she already does."

"Y/n, stop this," Salias signed, panicking. Another beam crumbled, and the oning began to fall on them.

"We gotta go!" Eli grabbed Y/n's hand but was slapped.

"Don't touch me."

"Don't be stupid!" Salias touched Eli's shoulder, and a weak shield appeared around him. He jumped forward, trying to touch Y/n.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!!!" The ceiling came down before Salias could protect him.


"Did you hear that two first-years challenged the headwarden of Heartsabyul to a duel?"

"What are they thinking?"

"Those boys are idiots..."

Y/n glanced at the two gossiping students. "The housewarden of Heartsabyul?" He thought. Passing them to get to the Savanaclaw mirror.

"Y/n!" The boy smiled. "Hello, Ruggie-Sama," Ruggie sighed. "Ah, stop calling me Sama" y/n cocked his head. "Eh? Then what should I call  you?"

"Just Ruggie!!" Y/n smiled nervously. "Ok, Ruggie-Sa—I mean Ruggie." Ruggie beamed, and tackled him into a hug.

"Do I not exist to you two?" Leona asked, his ears twitching in annoyance.

Y/n smiled and said, "Sorry, Housewarden-Senpai... come here." Leona's ears pinned at this, "No—" Y/n grabbed his arm and pulled him into their hug.

"Y/n. Let go of me." Leona growled at the younger man, who gave him another squeeze before letting him go. "Sorry, couldn't resist." he said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh, by the way, did you hear about the first years who challenged their headwarden?" Leona's tail lazyily twiched as he lounged on the sofa. "Oh yeah? Why are you asking? Ya gonna to try to challenge me?" He smirked at his dormmate. 

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