Chapter 2: Tarts And Unbirthday Redos (Re-Edited)

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The next day was the day of the unbirthday redo. Y/n was making Ruggie tie his tie correctly and asked him to sew a button of his uniform back on. "Ok there! You're done"

"You sure? Are there any wrinkles!? Rosehearts-Sama seems to be very uptight about traditions. I don't want him to hate me!" 

"You're in Savanaclaw; it's probably what he's expecting. And besides, you're always dressed like that; it's not like he's gonna hate you for something you wear all the time!" 

Y/n wrung his hands. "It's just that I still feel bad about almost crushing him with that beam. So I just want to look my best. He likes tarts, right? Should I make him one!?"

Ruggie's ears pinned. "No! No, um, I'm sure he'd hate it if you were late!" Ruggie was very doubtful that y/n could cook, and to be honest, he doesn't want to take that chance.

Y/n checked himself one last time in the mirror next to the front door before sighing. "Well, thanks, Rugs; I'll bring you home something to eat. Want do you want?" Ruggie's eyes lit up at the nic-name; y/n never called him that out loud before. He knew it was his contact name in the younger boy's phone, but he never expected it to come out of the quiet boy's mouth. "Anythin's fine, but if you can, donuts would be preferred!" 

"Mk I'll bring home donuts even if they don't have them there!" The boy turned.

"Where're you goin?" Leona's voice made y/n jump, whipping around, "Housewarden-Senpai! I— I was invited to the Heartslabyul's unbrithday party; um— would you like to come?" 


"Um— do I look alright?" Leona raised a brow, "Sorry—" 

"You look different; you look put together. It's weird," 


"But you look alright." Y/n smiled, "Thanks, Housewarden-Senpai. I gotta go, though; see you two later! Love ya!" He ran out. 

"Eh!?" Ruggie blushed a bright red that would bring tomatoes to shame.



"Ah, there he is!" The flying cat yelled from his headwarden's lap, "I was about to think you weren't coming! Though it is suspicious, you showed upright after we finished painting the flowers..." 

Y/n sat down next to a boy with blue hair and in front of a 3rd year with green hair. "Paint the flowers—? My apologies; I was held up by my housewarden." 

"He didn't cause you any trouble, did he?" The housewarden asked, "No, no... not anything like that; he just wanted to know where I was going." The third-year in front of him hummed. "That doesn't seem like something Leona would care about, but he does seem to like you." 

Y/n cocked his head, "I'm sure that's not true; I'm sure he treats most people like that."

"Well anyway, here, have some cake!" Another third year that sat next to the third year in front of him said, holding out a plate of strawberry cake. "Oh! Um ok!" He took the plate from the boys hands. "Thank you!"

He ended up staying until the first year with ginger hair (named Ace) offered to walk him back to his dorm.

"Oh! No, no, I couldn't ask that of you..." 

"I'll walk you there. I need to talk to your housewarden anyway," their housewarden, Riddle, said standing up. "I guess you can, as long as you're already going there."


"What do you want, Riddle?" Leona asked, ushering y/n into the dorm with his left hand. "Thank you for walking me back. And for inviting me. You have a great day, Rosehearts-Sama!" He rushed back inside and straight to his room.

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