Y/n's Voicelines Part 2

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(Spoilers for books 1-7)
(Again not relevant to the plot)


How do you like Savanaclaw?:
"I love it here, Although so many of my dormmates pity me... But I have a plan to change that."

What's your favorite subject?:
"Um... Does that matter? All that matters is that I get a 100."

If you were to choose a dorm to transfer too except Savanclaw what would you choose?:
"... Can I have a different question? ... Fine... Um, I guess... Heartslabyul."

Who's your favorite teacher?:
"Lucis-Sensei. What do you mean he doesn't count? Fine, Trein-Sensei because he has Lucis-Sensei."

What do you want to do for a job?:
"... Whatever makes the most. I'm not really... passionate about anything."

What did you do before you came here?:
"You wanna fight? Let's go, come on. Let's go outside."

Who's your favorite Housewarden—?: "Leona."
Other than your own.:

If you could bring one person with you to a deserted island, who would you choose?:
"... Lilla-senpai"
"So he can teleport me back."

If you could pick any student from Night Raven College to be your sibling, who would you choose?:


What do your parents do?:
"My mother was a Lawer, and my father was a doctor."
Was? Did your parents pass?:
"No, they are both retired."

(I realized I said they had magic jobs and it makes no sense if they can't use and hate magic)

As a child what did you wanna be?:
"... I didn't want to be anything. All I wanted to do was make my parents proud."


Group Mindset: "Back home we pride ourselves in our "raising children as a group" mentality. It really came in handy for me— I guess... Although more people kicked me out on my ass then helped raise me... Eh? It's nothin."

Fit for Savanaclaw: "I heard that people question why I'm in Savanaclaw. EH!? What do you mean you question that too!? What am I not manly enough for ya? Wanna take this outside!? I'll show ya why I'm in Savanaclaw! Eh? I'm plenty athletic! You know The King Of Beasts wasn't all athletic! He was actually said to be quite chill. And people aren't put into Savanaclaw because they're sporty."

The Warthog, The Meerkat, and The Lion Cub: "You know there was a meerkat and a warthog who took in a lion cub after The King Of Beasts sent hyena's after him. The cub came back with a female lion a few years later and The King killed him... It makes me wonder why-- I ain't goin soft! Ah-- nevermind!"

The Lion King's Nephew (With Liona): "Hey Leona, I heard that The King Of Beasts and his nephew got along when the cub was young. How come they had that big fall out?"

"Where you hearin this shit from?"

"Books, I guess... Is it not true?"

"From all I hear his nephew was a little dull. I highly doubt The Lion King ever cared for the cub."


Idols (With Ruggie): "Hey who's y'all's idol?" (Ruggie)

"Idol?" (y/n)

"Yeah, we got The Lion King, the octo guys got the Sea Witch, etc. So you do y'all got?"

"Ah, to be honest we ain't got someone we Idolize."

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