Chapter 2: Nurses Office Feelings★ (Re-Edited)

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The battle got worse; Leona roared, y/n didn't see any other way to stop him. "Everyone! Move outta the way!" Y/n quiet voice cut threw the sound around. "Y/n no! You said you didn't need to—" 

"If we wait any longer, he'll die! I can't let that happen!" Y/n stepped forward, "By the cruse placed in me, I call Unlovely!" The stadium began to crumble; a whole leg fell and crashed towards Leona. 

It landed softly on housewarden, and a magic force stopped Leona from getting hurt too badly. Y/n fell to the ground, his leg a bloody mess. "Grab him, please! I won't be able to hold it up any longer!" Jack ran forward, pulling Leona out of the rumble.

"Y/n!" Riddle ran towards the boy, who had just lost consciousness.

It had been two days since y/n lost consciousness. Leona's team had lost to Yuu's team. Riddle, Leona, and Ruggie visited y/n in between classes and lunch times.

"So, um, what do you have today?" Leona glared at Riddle's awkward attempt at conversation. "I'm having a—" 

"Shut it, Ruggie." Ruggie stopped talking. 

"Y/n please wake up; Leona and Riddle are gonna kill each other." Ruggie leaned back in his chair before leaning towards y/n again, "And because I miss you." Ruggie blushed as he felt y/n's hand squeeze his. He ignored Riddle and Leona's argument, paying attention to y/n. "Are you awake?" Y/n turned his head, whining quietly, curling into a ball around Ruggie and his hands.

"Huh!? Y/n!" Riddle pushed Ruggie aside, running to y/n's side, "Are you awake?" Y/n snuggled into Ruggie's hand, which was still holding his. "A while longer......" he murmured into the elders' hand. 

"H— hey!" Ruggie covered the bottom of his face with his other hand, hiding his blushing face. "Leona, go get the nurse." 

"Why don't you get them?" Riddle glared. "It's your fault he's here in the first place." Leona growled dangerously, "Ugh, never mind. I'll be right back."

Leona scooted his chair closer to y/n's bed. Leona moved the blanket that covered y/n's head. "Y/n, I don't know if yer awake, but if you are, then listen up; I'm so sorry." Leona grabbed y/n's hand that was still intertwined with Ruggie's, pressing his forehead to the back of y/n's hand. "I feel really bad about you having to hurt yourself. You're still in trouble for biting me; that shit hurt." 

Ruggie snickered, "Thanks for savin my ass y/n. That's why I love ya!" Y/n seemed to hear their words. He brought his hand to his chest.

"Is he awake?" The nurse came in. Leona sat up, moving away to give the nurse some room. "I don't really know; it seems so," the nurse nodded. 

"Ok, L/n-kun, can you hear me?" Y/n nodded softly. "Me head hurts... The lights are bright." The nurse had to lean in to hear the boy, "Does he normally talk that quiet?" Leona nodded. "Yeah." The nurse nodded.

"Ok, everything looks great. He'll be able to leave tomorrow, but he'll need help with his bandages. They'll need to be changed every night." Leona stood up to take the extra bandages and medicine. "We can help him."


"Hey, you doing alright?" Y/n opened his eyes to see two boys. One had white hair and red eyes; the other had long, dark brown hair; they both had hazelnut skin. He nodded his head. "Yeah, 'm alright..." He sat up, slowly groaning at the bright lights. 

"Here." The taller boy gave him a glass of water and a pill. He looked curiously at the pill before looking back at the boy. "Painkiller." 

"Oh, thanks." He felt someone sit next to him on the bed as he took the medicine. "Here, I had Jamil make you some lunch!" Y/n looked to the boy he assumed to be Jamil, who was holding a large plate, "Masgouf; it is a Scalding Sands national dish; it is one of Kalim's favorites." Jamil placed the plate on y/n's lap. 

"Oh, thank you. I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble..." Jamil smiled; y/n guessed it was mainly forced but decided to take it at face value. "It was no trouble." Y/n smiled.

The two boys stayed until it was time for their lunch. He learned that they both finished their class early just to give him food and keep him company. "Well, we gotta go! I don't really want to be in here while Leona is! He doesn't seem in a good mood today." Kalim rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Well anyway, see you around!" Y/n waved.

He now sat in silence, alone. He had been in the hospital multiple times. But no one really visited him in those days; his aunt would come over every once and awhile, so would Eli and Silas. But now even kids he hardly knew were coming and visiting him. He didn't know how he felt. 

He didn't even hear the door open; he jumped when a hand touched his shoulder. "Woah, sorry, chill!" He saw Ruggie holding both his hands up. He stared in confusion before realizing he had tried to hit him when he jumped. "Sorry, habit." 

"It's alright!" Ruggie handed him a cupcake. "I heard that Kalim and Jamil came over and gave you some lunch, so I thought I'd get cha a sweet since you've been doing so well!" Y/n blushed, "Thanks, Rugs, you're the best."

The young man looked around, "Where's Headwarden-Senpai?" 

"He was held up by Trein-Sensei ." Ruggie rolled his eyes, taking a seat next to y/n. Y/n glanced up to him, "So hows classes?" 

"Meh, boring without walkin you to yours." Y/n chuckled, "You two are too nice to me." 

"I don't think so," y/n jumped again, "7! Will you lot stop sneaking up on me?" Leona laughed, dragging a chair over. "Nah." 

"What did Trein-Sensei need?" Leona rolled his eyes at the question, "He was bitchin about me never being in classes." Y/n and Ruggie had to stifle their laughter behind their hands. 

"Yeah, yeah, laugh at my misery." Leona softly smacked both of them on the back of the head (Ruggie a little harder than y/n). "Hey!" Ruggie whined, covering his ears. Y/n giggled.

Y/n was allowed to leave the nurses that night. Leona had to carry him since he claimed his legs hurt. "If you touch my ears, I will drop you." Y/n brought his hand back to his chest, looking away from Leona. 

He heard Ruggie laugh. "Shyehehehehe! Your ears look so fluffy, Leona. Ya can't blame him for wantin to touch em!" 

"Watch me."

Leona placed y/n on his bed. "Okay, anything else?" Y/n blushed, "Yeah, actually. Can one of ya stay with me tonight?" Both Ruggie and Leona's ears pinned, their faces flushing a bit. "HUH?" 

Y/n looked at them in panic, "Hey! Quiet down! I'm just nervous something'll go wrong while I'm sleeping!" 

He waved his arms around, trying to calm them down. "Chill, I didn't think you would, so it's no biggie." Ruggie rubbed the back of his neck, his blush growing. 

"Nah it's nothin, I was just surprised. Course I'll stay with ya!" Y/n smiled, "Thanks" Ruggie nodded, "I'll go and get some of my stuff." Leona watched as Ruggie ran off, "Good cause I wasn't gonna stay." Y/n smiled, "Yeah I know. Go on" Leona nodded, "See ya" 

"Good night Housewarden-Senpai."


Leona and y/n's bond has reached level 1, they've now unlocked Duo Magic:

"Don't hold me back omnivore."

"Wouldn't dream of it sir!"


Word Count: 1253


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