3. Retaliation Plans

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Aurora's P.O.V.

Location: The same recording studio but later...

"THAT CRACKER IS DEAD! YOU FEEL ME?! IMMA KILL THAT WHITE MOTHERFUCKER, I'M GONNA PUT A BULLET INTO HIS BRAIN NEXT TIME I SEE HIM, WATCH!" Jeffrey continues to rant and rave, his gravelly raspy voice breaking a few times from anger and his face sc...

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"THAT CRACKER IS DEAD! YOU FEEL ME?! IMMA KILL THAT WHITE MOTHERFUCKER, I'M GONNA PUT A BULLET INTO HIS BRAIN NEXT TIME I SEE HIM, WATCH!" Jeffrey continues to rant and rave, his gravelly raspy voice breaking a few times from anger and his face scrunching up as he gestures wildly, pacing the conference room at the studio.

The whole Murder Inc crew being in attendance after the fuckery that's gone down earlier.

Which had only turned even messier once Irv Gotti and Suge Knight had busted on all of the other angry men fighting. It was a complete mess.

It had even escalated to the point where guns started to get drawn and pointed at people's heads.

And one of Ja's crew managed to somehow run up on 50 Cent and stab him in his side.

After which, the building's security finally got involved, there were threats of cops being called, even more insults traded back and forth and even more punches being exchanged between all of the men.

50 Cent then was rushed to a hospital, and luckily all of his asshole crew had left with him, including Eminem.

Which... at the mere thought about that white boy, I wanna kill him so bad.

Definitely share Ja's sentiment on that, but I remain very quiet though, sitting prettily at the end of the long table with my legs crossed underneath it, taping my acrylics lightly on the surface of the table, my eyes seemingly downcast as I discreetly observe the room underneath my long lashes.

"I agree, that cracker do need to be put in his place," Suge Knight calmly states, taking out one of his signature Cuban cigars and lightning it. "Y'all Murder Inc niggas are starting to look weak as fuck to be honest, what with how that punk had ran up on all y'all. If it was Death Row that him and 50 was dealing with, we would've been deaded both of them motherfuckers.

Irv who is actually the founder of Murder Inc smirks at that and questions Suge, being probably the only man in this room brave enough to do so, "Ayo, wasn't Em and Dre beefing with Death Row before though, Suge? From the way I'm looking at it, the white motherfucker is still breathing."

Suge stares at Irv really coldly then,
putting out his cigar.

"Murder Inc's beef ain't with Eminem though, it's with 50 Cent's old man face looking ass," Irv then reiterates.

"Right," Krazy, another group member then nods.

Jeffrey just shrugs and continues to pace the room, still gesturing wildly.


I take a real deep breath, biting softly on my buttom lip. I really do wish Ja would stop bringing the whole thing up, because the more he bring it up, the more all of the people in this room are getting the visual reminded to them on exactly what Eminem did to me, in front of everybody. And I really don't want anybody to see me in this light and start looking at me funny.

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