8. The Next Round

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Marshall's P.O.V.

Location: A New York Night Club

"Yo, fuck you invited them two sluts to come over for?" I ask Fif angrily while that motherfucker just grins at me

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"Yo, fuck you invited them two sluts to come over for?" I ask Fif angrily while that motherfucker just grins at me.

See what I'm saying, yo?

Curtis is my boy, but dude forever be starting some mess.

"Ayo, what is even the issue, Em? Thought you and the Aurora chick had squashed whatever problems y'all was having with each other?" Fifty drawls out and I shrug angrily, watching the two bitches start to make their way up to our booth.

"I mean, we have, but I still can't stand the goddamn slut no way," I then shrug, pushing the dumb groupie chick I just had sat on my lap off of me. "Yo, get off me, bitch," I smirk at her.

"Fuck you, Em, you are such an asshole!" The girl complains.

"Yeah, and? Bitch go in the man's bathroom right now and wait for me right there cause you finna suck my dick," I smirk and the dumb chick immediately giggles, scrambling away like the nasty ass no-self-respect-having hoe that she is.

The Aurora chick and her friend then make their way up to our table.

"Hey Fif," Aurora smiles at Fifty, then cuts her eyes at me as she rolls them. "Em," she says grudgingly.

"Whore," I reply back, squinting my eyes at her.

"Your momma," Aurora replies back and I swear I could've wrang her lil pretty neck right then and there.

"Bitch, fuck you just sa..."

"Oooookayyyy," Proof then let's out, quickly standing up to his feet. "So, Aurora, clearly you already know Fif here and Em. And I'm DeShaun, but everybody calls me Proof, and these are  Bizarre, Kon Artist, Kuniva and Swift. Also, Lloyd Banks and Tony Yayo, now what is your friend's name."

The chick that came with Aurora blushes and giggles, "I'm Janaé," she announces.

"Aight well, take a seat, ladies, let's all get along and party like a motherfucker tonight," Proof then says awkwardly.

The Janaé chick blushes again and goes to sit next to him.

I huff when the Aurora bitch then takes a sit next to me, fuck she doing that for?!

"Giiiirl, I just wanna thank you again, you truly saved my life out there earlier," Olivia then says to her, and I just cut my eyes at her.

"No problem at all girl," Aurora says softly.

All that cause of some hair bullshit.

Bitches, I swear...

Aurora then takes one of the drinks offered to her by one of the waiters, a Patron shot and she tosses it right back.

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