38. Complication

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Was thinking of splitting this chapter in two cause it's pretty long, but I got too lazy as usual lol.

Also, the pic I've chosen of Amerie being all carefree doesn't at all suit the mood for this chapter, but I wasn't able to find any pics of her looking in actual distress, so it is what it is 🤷🏾‍♀️


Aurora's P.O.V.

My eyelids slowly fluttering open, I can feel the pounding pain in my tenples right now, and I wince to the feeling of it, whimpering to myself quietly

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My eyelids slowly fluttering open, I can feel the pounding pain in my tenples right now, and I wince to the feeling of it, whimpering to myself quietly.

Whatever Ja has injected me with last night, I'm really suffering the consequences for it right now. God, I hate that man so much, I wish he could pay for what he does to me!!

My fingertips soothingly rubhing my temples, I then move them towards my eyes, clearing the sleep from them, vaguely aware of the fact that the bed I'm laying on actually feels like... way more comfortable than how it actually feels. Like, the mattress actually has sheets on it this time, a luxury Jeffrey absolutely refuses to provide me with until I behave, and also, it's so soft...

I begin to tumble out of the bed then, because I have to pee, but once I look back, I spot a man sleeping next to me, snoring slightly, his face burried into one of the pillows as he lays on his stomach, his blonde head on fulk display for me, and I choke, instantly starting to panic.

"Oh my God!! Em?! What the hell, Marshall?!" I practically shrieks.

The blonde man stirs slightly as he groans.

"Fuck you so loud for, Rory?" His voice coming out low and raspy, his morning voice.

And that damn nickname he's given me...

"Marshall!! What am I... what am I doing here with you? At your house?!" I breathe out, looking around me. I immediately recognize all the familiar surroundings.

Oh my God...

Certain events from last night then come back to me.

Me trying to get away from Jeffrey's goons, them catching me. Then the crazy white boy aiming his gun at them...

The same man that now sits up on the bed, his clear blue eyes meeting my frantic brown ones.

"It's okay, baby girl. Just chill, aight?" His hand touches my shoulder lightly, and I flinch, almost jumping out of my skin, because like... he just doesn't get it!!

"Marshall, Ja is a dangerous man!! You are probably not getting just how evil and dangerous he is, but..."

"That motherfucker ain't shit, Aurora," Em cuts me off with a chuckle, although the expression on his face is deadpan. "And you don't gotta worry about him no more neither, cause trust. The dickhead ain't gonna come after you again," he states confidently, cockily, gesturing with his hands, one of which  I grab with mine and I hold on to it.

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