50. Marriage vs. Murder

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Marshall's P.O.V.

Walking out of jail after Paul bailed me out, the bright ass sun hits me square in the face, right along with the goddamn camera flashes that come from each and every direction, fucking paps yo

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Walking out of jail after Paul bailed me out, the bright ass sun hits me square in the face, right along with the goddamn camera flashes that come from each and every direction, fucking paps yo.

I squint my eyes while walking on autopilot.

The reporters are everywhere just as expected, and they start shouting questions in my face as soon I'm visible to them. My security team and Paul attempting to block them, but it's a whole goddamn circus, man.

Not that I ain't used to it already, my whole life has been a circus ever since My Name Is dropped, but somehow, deep down inside, I don't think imma become fully okay with the shit.

But right now though, they ain't screaming my name cause I'm famous. They screaming it cause I've allegedly had tried to murder somebody, and they want all of the bloody details.

Fucking vultures..

I reach the Escalade, and myself and Paul climb into the back while my bodyguards take the other car parked right behind it. The driver of the Escalade then pulls off, while these goddamn fags are all attempting to chase behind the car.

I listen to some of the questions they keep on yelling at me, and I ain't even gonna front, some if the shit they spew at me puzzles me.

"Paul, why the fuck they keep on saying that the cocksucker Ja has gone missing or some shit?" I ask my manager who gives me a grave look.

"That's because Jeffrey Atkins has in fact gone missing, Marshall," he tells me, pinching the bridge of his nose in deep thought. "Nobody has seen or heard from him since the day of your arrest, but the police officers ARE actively looking for him since he's become a person of interest himself lately."

"A person of interest for what?" I then ask Paul, staring out of the tinted windows of the car.

I already know though.

Have heard the goddamn paps shouting questions at me about that as well.

"Cause of the shit with Aurora? Motherfuckers know about... everything?" I ask harshly.

Hearing Paul tiredly huff out.

"Yes, Em. There's a video that's been leaked recently in which Jeffrey Atkins can be heard confessing to raping Aurora Hill, as well as a few other things. Including having her best friend murdered, using his label Murder Inc. As a front for a money laundering and drug selling business, oh and also apparently threatening your life as well, Marshall."

Yo what the fuck..

"Now, how come I wasn't informed about any of that mess earlier, I'm talking at the time it's actually occurred, I have absolutely no idea," Paul continues to run his big mouth, looking progressively more and more upset with me, but I could give a fuck less, I keep thinking on how come everybody all of a sudden knows everything.

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