53. Ambush

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Aurora's P.O.V.

I've heard somewhere before that right before you are about to die, your whole life like

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I've heard somewhere before that right before you are about to die, your whole life like... flashes right before your eyes or something.

But it didn't feel that way to me once the barrel of a gun was pressed against my temple.

It was more like... the recent events of my life.

As well as the culprits in them.

"Make no mistake, Aurora, I would kill a motherfucker for you," Marshall says, pushing my up against the wall.

"You are an ungrateful bitch, Aurora," and that's Jeffrey as he backhands me.

"We can always MAKE YOU do it, beautiful," says Suge Knight...

Several hours earlier....

"Come here, Rory. I drew you a bath," Em has the nerve to say with a smug smirk on his face as he peaks his blonde head inside of our bedroom where I'm laying half dead on the bed.

My body being littered with all kinds of marks bearing evidence to just how intense things have gotten between us only minutes earlier. There's hickeys covering my neck, breasts, the insides of my thighs, and there are reddening handprints on my butt. I look like I've been through hell and back, and my poor kitty is still throbbing from the after shocks of several very painful orgasms, and Marshall's trying to sound all carrying and stuff, but the absolutely devious expression in those intense blue eyes of his betray him for the evil ass crazy ass white boy that he is.

Like, seriously, the nerve of him, he what?? Drew me a bubble bath like he's the most sweetest, most carrying boyfriend in the world?

Which in a way, deep down inside he really is, like this nigga has a soft side to him, even if he would hate for the world to see it,  and he would rather act like a complete jerk anytime.

But he certainly can be cute too, but he certainly was anything BUT THAT with the way he literally murdered my kitty only a few hours earlier after he's come back home after... whatever it is he did to his ex-wife in order to, as he called it, put the fear of God in her.

One thing you always keep hearing about Eminem is that he's crazy.

And I always knew that, ever since the day I've first met the white boy.

I've also been in a relationship with him for like sometime over a year now, and I used to think I knew exactly how intense he could get when pissed off, but apparently, I had absolutely no idea.

I've always been running my mouth and saying that I can handle this wigga too, but earlier tonight Em had taught me a lesson that apparently... my young and dumb ass can't handle him at all, because let me tell y'all something, I think I need to hold a funeral for my own puss, because it got literally murdered by Marshall just now, like i said.

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