54. Seduction

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A/N: A VERY long chapter ahead...


Aurora's P.O.V.

"What's taking you so long, beautiful? C'mon now, I'm starting to lose patience," Suge Knight's disgusting sounding voice booms from behind the bathroom door, and I almost gag when I hear his huge paw begin to rattle the bathroom door

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"What's taking you so long, beautiful? C'mon now, I'm starting to lose patience," Suge Knight's disgusting sounding voice booms from behind the bathroom door, and I almost gag when I hear his huge paw begin to rattle the bathroom door.

I force myself to remain as calm as possible, even if my whole body is literally shaking right now from a combination of so many different emotions, fear, anger, repulsion, concern for my boyfriend who is currently at Suge's goons mercy, panic, a feeling on complete helplessness that threatens to take over me any time now.

"Give me another second, okay, Suge? Just please," I slightly raise my voice in order to be heard over the sound of the cold water running in the sink. I cup my palms under the streak and splash some in my face, wiping off the tears that threaten to gather in the corners of my eyes.

Don't you dare cry, Aurora!!

"Alright. Imma wait for you, pretty girl. Just remember that the longer you take in there, the more time is actually running out for your boyfriend," Suge Knight says evilly to me, his voice sounding sinister as all hell. The man gives me the creeps.

I look around me frantically once more and dig my fingernails into the palms of my hands harshly, forcing myself to remain focused.

Ever since Jeffrey did what he did to me, I've been carrying a small switch blade knife in my purse wherever i went, the same purse that's currently laying on the top of one of Suge's couches. If only I could reach into it, then I could what?

Stab Suge?

How could I ever overpower this big back asshole?!

And even if I could then how would he make the phone call to stop his goons from shooting Marshall, if he's dead?

Taking a deep breath, I open Suge's medicine cabinet, looking inside of it for something.


And suddenly two pairs of small objects catch my eye. Something that definitely doesn't belong in a medicine cabinet, but this nigga is twisted as hell, so I shouldn't even be too surprised, i guess.

And maybe I could use these things, I think to myself as a plan begins to form in my head.

I take another deep breath.

You can do it, Aurora!!

I can do this.

Only problem is, I would have to get REAL close to this nigga in order to convince him, and just the thought of it alone is making me throw up in my mouth. As bile begins to rise up in my throat, I force myself to swallow it back down. I thentake out the small objects from the cabinet and tuck them into my panties.

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