22. NDAs & Lame Ass Dance Moves

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Aurora's P.O.V.

Stepping off of the plane after having arrived to an airport in LA

As soon as our plane has landed in LA and, Marshall and I stepped off, we were met by so many paparazzi and camera flashes that I honestly thought I was going to go blind from that crap

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As soon as our plane has landed in LA and, Marshall and I stepped off, we were met by so many paparazzi and camera flashes that I honestly thought I was going to go blind from that crap. As well as deaf from all of the questions being shouted at us.

Mostly the same stuff they were asking us back when we had bailed and left the award show in New York early. It seems everybody is incredibly fascinated by the fact that they keep catching The First Lady Of Murder Inc with Slim Shady, that seems to be the crap they keep talking about us.

And I can't help but roll my eyes at that because honestly, after all that Jeffrey has done to me, I'm not even going to be The First Lady Of Murder Inc much longer, once my contract with the label is up in a few months, I won't be re-sighning with them for sure, even if there's still the issue of me being able to get out of going on that tour with Ja soon, something I don't want to do at all, but lawyer still wasn't able to get me to walk away from that yet.

Now Em, he flips the reporters off like he usually does, I swear this boy loves to show his middle finger almost as much as he loves dropping his pants and showing his ass. Something is very wrong with him, for sure. But um... there's a certain charm to it, I guess...

Eventually our security manages to get us through all the reporters and we get onto one of the black Escalades waiting for us outside. Em is actually being a gentleman for once, he opens the back door for me to get inside first, then he climbs in after me. One of his bodyguards already sitting in the driver's seat, while the other two get into a separate car.

The reporters continue to go crazy outside, and Em punches one of the tinted bulletproof windows in frustration, aggressively chewing on the gum in his mouth.

"Yo, I swear these motherfuckers get on my nerve. They fucking everywhere, can't they let a motherfucker breathe?! Can't even take a shit without them following, you know what I'm saying?" His pupils slightly dilated due to some pills he's popped on the plane and his face reddening in frustration.

"You really take this seriously, huh?" I can't help but laugh at him. Frankly, the paparazzi following us like this bothers me too, and I remember very well just how triggering it was for me when they couldn't wait to catch me exiting the hospital after my attack just so they could broadcast to everybody all of the damage that was done to my face back then, but like... the way Em is looking at them right now is as though he'd like to literally murder them.

"Yo, I been told you, I hate them goddamn vultures, dawg," Em shrugs and then throws his arm over my shoulder, pulling my body into his, taking full advantage of the fact that the  back windows of the Escalade are tinted.

"Ay, so you about to take off or what, man," he urges his driver rather impatiently, who apologetically states in response.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mathers, but I've got instructions from Mr. Rosenberg to let him have a word with you and Ms. Hill first."

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