33. The Set-Up

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Aurora's P.O.V.

"Now, let me tell you what is about to happen, A," Jeffrey tells me pacing the room while one of Suge Knight's goons restrains me, my eyes following Ja's every move nervously, hating him the entire time

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"Now, let me tell you what is about to happen, A," Jeffrey tells me pacing the room while one of Suge Knight's goons restrains me, my eyes following Ja's every move nervously, hating him the entire time.

Jeffrey finally stops pacing and he smirks.

"The white motherfucker is gonna walk in here, right? Thinking you texted him," he shows me my phone with the words he had just texted Em from my phone glowing boldly from the screen.

Apparently, he'd text Marshall to come in and help me pack. Making it seem like I've sent the message.

"I fucking hate you, Jeffrey," I whisper. Once again, I try to break free from the guy's grip that's holding on to me, but once again, it proves to be in vain.

Ja then shows me the reply Marshall sent back to me.

Talking about he's busy as hell, but he would still make it, and that I'm lucky that he likes me.

"Then," Jeffrey then continues, rubbing his hands together as he smiles sadisctically," all of us are gonna jump him again, just like we have done that day the dumb motherfucker had showed up at the studio with no backup, but that's not even the best part, A. Do you know what the best part is though?" He advances towards me grinning.

Suge Knight's goon finally lets go of me, and I just stand there, shooting daggers at Jeffrey as I'm trying desperately to think of a way to get out of this.

If only I could get my hands on my phone, text or call Marshall. Warn him to not come here...

"The best part," Jefrey states, and he's practically gloating at this point. "The best part is that after we done finished teaching the dumb wigga a lesson, you are gonna walk out, A, and.. Do you remember how back in the day Irv had wanted you to seduce the dude and pretend like you was into him only to be playing his ass the whole time? Well, that's exactly what you are gonna tell Em that you've been doing to him, girl. You are gon tell him that you was only faking being his girlfriend for Murder Inc's benefit, and that you was also the one that set him up to get his ass handed to him," he concludes triumphantly.

What... What is this negro's problem, like seriously?!

"Are you fucking insane, Jeffrey?! Like seriously, are you even okay? There's no way in hell I would ever do something like this, I mean, why would I?!" I start laughing then as he glares at me.

Jeffrey steps closer to me, adjusting the headband on his damn near bald head.

"You WILL do this, A. Trust me. Cause if you don't, then Em would really get hurt. Right in front of you. Hell, he might not even survive this at all. So, you gotta choose, A. Is it the white boy's life or his pride?"

"You wouldn't dare," I whisper, and I want to make myself believe that he wouldn't.

But then... something is so different about Jeffrey these days, he's not the same man I knew back in what seems like a lifetime ago these days. Making me question also, have I ever known him at all?!

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