48. Midnight

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A very long chapter ahead...


Aurora's P.O.V.

I lay awake next to my boyfriend in the bed, hearing him snoring lightly as Em lays on his stomach, his freckled face buried into the pillow, his bleached hair tousled, one of his heavy large arms wrapped over my waist in what almost feels like a ...

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I lay awake next to my boyfriend in the bed, hearing him snoring lightly as Em lays on his stomach, his freckled face buried into the pillow, his bleached hair tousled, one of his heavy large arms wrapped over my waist in what almost feels like a wise grip.

MJ (that's the cute little nickname I gave our baby, short for Marshall Junior, which his daddy absolutely despises for some reason, he's told me that's some fag nickname) has finally stopped crying after his dad has rocked him to sleep. And I honestly have to admit that Marshall is a whole lot better at it than I am, like I'm low key jealous of the white boy, you guys, he just seems to be do good with our boy, but then again, he's also got way more experience with babies than me.

Still, it's so cute to see Em with MJ though, he is always so cute with him, not how you would expect this man to act at all. Marshall truly loves all of his kids, and I've always known that, of course, but to watch him interact with our child, that's like on a whole different level, and I honestly love them both so much. Both of my men..

Which is exactly why I have been tossing and turning all night, even long after MJ had finally stopped crying. Our baby resting peacefully in his crib placed near mine and Em's bed.

And yet, I still couldn't fall asleep myself, the text message I have received earlier from Jeffrey keeping me up.

It was earlier during the day while I was feeding Junior while simultaneously trying to fix Em's and mine breakfast.

Only for Marshall to eventually emerge from the upstairs bedroom, taking one look at me struggling while trying to multitask, then simply take the skillet out of my hands and take over the whole pancakes making business. I looked thankfully at him, pecking his lips lightly, and then I had retreated to the living room and curled up in front of the TV with our ever so fussy son in my lap, latching on to me for some milk.

Things have been somewhat tense between Marshall and I lately.

Ever since he's told me about Kim making that phone call to him the other day, we have both been on edge, both of us not knowing exactly what that woman's stake is in this situation.

Honestly, I've got some many mixed emotions as far as Marshall's ex is concerned. I've absolutely no idea what her deal is at times. I mean, her and I, we get along with each other somewhat, grudgingly so. Or should I say, we've been getting along before that crap she's pulled at her and Em's daughter's birthday party, ever since then, I had wanted to low key beat that girl's ass, and honestly? She was lucky as hell that I was heavily pregnant at the time, or I would've put her in her place for sure.

Still, before that, whenever Kim would wither drop Marshall's girl off for him at his place in Detroit wherever we went back there for the evening, or when she would bring them to LA, her and I always made an effort to get along with each other, and she would get along with Em too, at least in front of their daughters.

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