36. Put That On Everything

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Marshall's P.O.V.


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Marshall, what the fuck is this?!" Mariah drunkenly slurs as she walks out of my bedroom with an almost empty wine glass and a whole bottle of Chardonnay clutched in her other hand.

"Yo, stop, Mimi. Cause you need to chill the fuck out, bitch," I calmly state, Aurora looks at me, and I secretly feel like shit.

But then again, I had thought she was playing me this whole time. How the fuck was I supposed to know that the asshole, Ja, was abusing her?!

"Is this Aurora Hill, motherfucker?! Mariah then chuckles, interrupting my thoughts. "Wow, whatever the hell happened to you, cause you seriously look like hell right now, darling," she says referring to Aurora who just stares at her.

"So do you, darling," Aurora then softly says, mocking Mariah who scoffs and then throws all of the wine still left on her glass at Aurora, some of it landing in her hair.

"Aight, that's enough, slut," I then angrily let out, eyeing Mariah hard as fuck, bitch really needs to shut her goddamn mouth right now. I help Aurora settle on the couch, while ceasing Mariah by her elbow. I drag her out along with me and toss her ass out while she hurls curses at me.

But who even cares.

Cause fuck her.

I return to Aurora who simply looks at me.

"I need a to take a shower, Em. I feel so disgusting right now," she states, running her fingers through her wine stained hair, clearly talking about more than her hair being sticky from a drink being thrown out in it.

"Sure baby, it's whatever ya want," I blurt out back, thinking to myself this was what it took. Simply having this chick back in my life for a few seconds, and I'm already acting like a complete sucker around her. Maybe I should've let Ja have her after all, huh..

I help her to one of the bathrooms at my place though.

Looking away as she undresses herself, eventually having to help her after all though, when I see how she stumbles, still high as fuck on whatever shit Ja had her injected with, the bastard. Imma kick his ass later for her, I swear to God. As a matter of fact, I will fuckijg kill this dude.

"Ya want me to give you a hand?" I ask softly, walikg back into the room.

"Um, not really, but go ahead," Aurora says, refusing to look at me.

So, I help her out of her clothes.

Forcing my eyes to stay trained on her face the whole time, but from time to time, I do slip up, and I can't lie, my cock has a mind of it's own, in the most inappropriate of times, wanting to get hard just cause of how banging this girl's body is.

I swallow hard and focus my eyes on her face yet again, but I'm only a man, even if I would never violate her.

Still, it's hard to not think about certain things.

Till I notice all of the bruises on her skin.

"Did Ja do this to you, Aurora?" I blurt out then, unable to contain myself.

She doesn't respond but just nods as I hemp her remove the last piece of clothing off.

"He's a dead motherfucker," I then blurt out as she sighs.

"Stop it, Marshall. Because Jeffrey is dangerous. I never really used to realize that before, I used to think he was harmless. But I see it now. He's fucking crazy. And he's obsessed with me in the worst way."

"Yo, no matter how deranged that dude is, I'm worse," I smirk then, helping Aurora inside the bath tub. I turn on the warm water and grab one of the shampoo bottles, instantly recognizing it to be one of the products she used to always use, guess I never threw it away, even after I thought she had played me.

Aurora doesn't say anything.

So I wash her hair for her, then condition it, being as gentle as I possibly could.

Afterwards, I guide her back into my bedroom, opening one of my closets, and sure as fuck, some of her old clothes are still there on my hangers. I take out what appears to be pajamas.

But when I look back at her, I see that she already has one of my t-shirts on, laying back on the bed.

"Guess imma leave you to it then. Goodnight, Aurora," I mumble, on mu way out of the door.

"No, where are you going?" She asks me then in a quiet voice.

"Figured imma sleep in one of the guestrooms. Let you stay to yourself, you know what I'm saying?" I reply back awkwardly, lying my ass off.

Cause the honest truth is that the main reason I was about to leave her all alone just now is cause I'm practically itching to get on this asshole, Ja. I wanna fucking kill him for what he did to her.

"Just... stay with me, Marshall. Please? Because I don't want to be by myself right now. But don't like... try anything with me, okay?"

Oh, fuck!

"I won't, baby. I hope you understand that I won't ever do shit to you that you actually don't want me to do, Aurora," I reply, getting back in the bed with her and holding her in my arms.

Just like the old times.

As soon as she falls asleep though, I press a gentle kiss against her forehead, then slip out of the bed with her and make some phone calls.

I simply couldn't let it go, man.

I HAVE to fuck Ja up for what he did to her.

But I'm also a realist.

I understand very well that if I was to go there right now, all that's gonna happen is the whole Murder Inc. crew, as well as Suge Knight's goons would all jump me.

So, right now, I'm calling on all my people to come with me and have my back after I explain the whole situation to them.

Fifty, my boys from D12, Dre, Royce, Obie, my bodyguards, whoever.

But don't get me wrong, i don't want them to fight my battles for me, not at all.

All I need from them is to just keep Ja's people off of my back while I deal with him with no interruptions.

Just me and him, man-to-man.

Face-to-face, the whole nine.

Fucker won't be able to get away from me this time, and he would finally get exactly what's been coming to him this whole time.

Cause imma fuck him up for hurting that girl, my motherfucking girl.. He has to pay for this shit, and I swear to God, I'm gonna make sure that he does, and I'll put that on everything..


Usually, when I make Marshall say he puts it on everything in my books, it means, he's either lying his ass off, or being dead ass serious, no middle ground at all, lmaooo.

And this time, trust, he IS being dead ass serious, so Jeffrey better watch out 😫

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