2. All About The Disrespect

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Moment of honesty, I always find 2nd chapters the hardest to write and always feel like they often turn out clunky as hell, so bear with me here lol


Marshall's P.O.V.

Location: A recording studio somewhere in LA

"So, what the deal is with Rule and that slutty ass Aurora chick, he be hitting that for real?" I ask lazily, eyes wandering around my head after I done hit the blunt Fif has just passed me for the 5th time, the weed mixing with the effects of all...

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"So, what the deal is with Rule and that slutty ass Aurora chick, he be hitting that for real?" I ask lazily, eyes wandering around my head after I done hit the blunt Fif has just passed me for the 5th time, the weed mixing with the effects of all of the other drugs in my system, mostly prescription ones, something the doctor ordered, you know what I'm saying? As well as some Henny as well.

Ya boy is damn near dead and gone at this point.

Not that rolling like that don't also feel good as shit...

"Maybe, maybe not," 50 then smirks, grabbing the blunt from me and taking a pull on it. "What is it to you, Em?" He asks me, clearly wanting to be starting shit.

 "What is it to you, Em?" He asks me, clearly wanting to be starting shit

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Cause let's face it.

Curtis is my boy, but the motherfucker do be loving to start some mess, the dickhead legit lives for that shit.

"Aw, none at all," I smirk, "Other than the fact that the bitch damn near threw herself at me the other day when Ja had spoke how he did on my seed, and I was gon whoop his ass, but he had bitched up and sent his chick out at me instead, and the goddamn hoe was tryna seduce me and shit, practically begged me for the dick, like I won't know better than that," I smirk, knowing damn well that I'm currently lying my ass off.

I mean... not about everything, yo.

Cause I WAS in fact right about to kick Ja's bitch ass.

And he DID in fact sent out his chick like the pussy that he truly is to deal with me.

Only thing is... I might be embellishing a bit on just how strong my resolve was when that Aurora slut had pulled whatever she pulled on me.

"I mean, Aurora is hot as fuck though, Slim, you telling me you ain't went for it?" Denaun then chuckles as we all sit at the soundboard, just passing the blunt back-and-forth, just goofing around.

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