47. Motives

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Marshall's P.O.V.

I ain't even gonna lie, my baby's mom's voice is literally the last thing I've expected to hear just now, six o'clock in the morning, when the my cell rang and I had answered the call as quickly as i could, not even checking the caller ID, just so...

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I ain't even gonna lie, my baby's mom's voice is literally the last thing I've expected to hear just now, six o'clock in the morning, when the my cell rang and I had answered the call as quickly as i could, not even checking the caller ID, just so the noise won't disturb my girl, as well as my new born son, both of them sleeping so peacefully.

Not gonna lie, Aurora needs some rest, and so do I.

Ever since we was finally allowed to bring home Junior from the hospital, after little man spending two months in there in incubators, being hooked to all kinds of tubes, all lil dude did was cry nonstop, especially at night. I swear to fuck, dawg, I don't remember neither one of my daughters crying this much back when they was babies, hell Whit is still a baby, and she ain't behave like this. But this kid is like a lil demon, yo, he's a Slim Shady Junior, not even Marshall Junior, he's loud as fuck.

Still, I couldn't be more proud though, to finally have a son, and Auror had never looked more beautiful to me than when I watch how she is with him, corny as that sounds.

But all the happy giddy shit aside, both me and Rory could definitely use a few quiet moments, and once Junior is finally asleep, I sure as fuck don't want nothing to wake the kid and start bawling again, kicking his small chubby hands and feet, attempting to clock me in the face with his lil fists. Yep, definitely his father's son.

So whoever has the nerve calling me at this time of the morning best have a good reason for it, or I'm kicking their ass.

"Yo?" I rasp angrily into the phone, sitting up on the edge of the bed. I can feel my eyebrows furrowing together as I scratch the back of my head with my other hand.


That's when I hear Kim's voice and immediately my mind goes to the most obvious conclusion as to why my ex wife would be calling me at this goddamn time, and that is that something must be wrong with one of my kids.

"What's is it, Kim?! Is it Hai? Lainey? Whit? What's going on, man?!" I don't even realize when I had gotten up out of the bed and into the hallway, pacing back and forth with the phone pressed to my ear.

Kim laughs lightly.

"The girls are fine, Marsh. Relax."

And I would if I wasn't more pissed off than a motherfucker right now.

"So why the fuck you calling me then, bitch?" I practically bark before I remember to watch the tone of my voice. Fucking Rory is still sleep after all, and so is my son, and I aint wanna disturb either one of them, cause there would be consequences.

"Because I wanted to tell you something. Been wanting to say it for the longest actually," Kim tells me and frankly, I don't like the tone of her voice. Can practically hear the sort of smugness in it. This smirk.

Been known the goddamn woman for years after all.

In a way, one could say, I know Kim like a book, and she knows me like one too. So it ain't hard for me to see when her evil slutty ass is up to something.

And I can already see it now. Clear as day. Even before she speaks the words, I know that she's got some sort of a trump card up her sleeve that she's been dying to play for the longest.

"Yeah, and what's that, yo?" I pretend to bite anyway.

Just to hear what she's got to say.

Still, I ain't expect.. THAT.

"I know that you are the one that had shot that Ja Rule guy, Marsh. And that your little girlfriend had egged you on to do it because of him having like... mistreated her in the past or something. And the reason I know this is because I had stood outside of the bathroom that day. On the day of Whit's birthday party? I stood outside of the door after you yelled out for whoever was there to go and shit themselves or something, and I had listened to the two of you screw... or whatever else you did with her, and then Aurora Hill making you promise her that you would end Ja Rule for her. And then, mere days after that, it was all over the news that somebody has shot the dude. And I've put two and two together, you know. Cause I ain't stupid, Marshall!!"

I stop my pacing and instead lean my back against the wall.

"Nah, you ain't stupid, Kim," I smirk, dragging one of my hands down my face. "You are delusional as fuck though, and you've jumped to conclusions like a motherfucker there. Just cause my girl and I have had that one conversation that day, it don't mean I actually did shit to that cocksucker. Fuck is wrong with you?"

"Right. I know that you was responsible though, Marsh. And it looks bad for you. And for Aurora too. If I was to tell anybody that you had shot that guy, and that you girlfriend was encouraging you to do so..."


I then hang up the phone on her, my thoughts racing.

I need to tell Paul about this, just to keep him in the loop.

But I already know that the bald-headed fucker would be pissed though, at both myself and Rory for being do goddamn sloppy and having a whole loud ass convo about possibly killing Ja Rule at a public place where literally anybody could hear us.

And obviously somebody HAVE heard.

The worst possible person ever.

Kim's vindictive ass, whose angle I still can't figure out in this whole thing.

Why would the bitch come to me with this and not just expose both myself and my girl?

Cause she clearly wants something, that's why.

Same reason why that asshole I shot ain't finger me as the culprit yet, even though he's made it clear to Aurora that he does remember.

Whatever the fuck either of their motivation is though, I will never let no one harm my family.


Since this was such a short and whack little chapter, I will try to post another one today to make up for it lol

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