9. Exes

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Aurora's P.O.V.

Location: At a recording studio in LA

My head is currently still pounding like crazy, and I feel like I'm literally dying

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My head is currently still pounding like crazy, and I feel like I'm literally dying.

Having woken up hangover as I don't even know what the next morning, after partying with Em & 50's gang and my girl, Janaé, I had to catch the flight right back to LA to get back into the studio and start recording again, and here I am.

I honestly am not even feeling up for it right now, but I've got to get ready for that Awards Show, my performance there being very important to me, since it's going to be my first time ever being on stage all by myself and without Ja. So, I'm taking this very seriously, the song I'm going to be singing on there has got to be perfect, so I'm forever practicing it. Not to even mention that I'm not ever known to miss a day at the studio, even when tired or sick as hell, I always show up there, and obviously today is not going to be an exception.

Even though I do feel pretty crappy.

Both because I'm nauseous as hell right now and my head is literally killing me, but then also because I could honestly die from embarrassment. Between Janaé filling me in on my antics last night and some of my own memories, I could honestly slap myself. I cannot believe that I had let that asshole have his way with me like that, and the worst part of it was being that I actually sort of... liked it??

Like dang, I must've been super drunk, because I remember his kisses actually feeling so nice, and his touch too, it was like I never wanted him to stop, and I am so, so, so ashamed of myself for it, and I don't even understand how it happened, all I do know is that I seriously can't stand this white motherfucker, and I'll make sure to stay far away from him from now on. I mean, just seeing the smug look on his face whenever he would lay eyes on me from now on would literally kill me.


My only excuse being that I was also high on E that time, and that is honestly one of the reasons I don't normally mess with that stuff, cause that little pill would make you be all over some asshole you normally couldn't stand!!

Anyways, Janaé has no idea about the whole thing that's happened with Em and I at the bathrooms, she's still convinced that after she's saved me from him at the dancefloor, that it was it, and the white boy never came near me again after that, and I plan on keeping it that way, cause I don't want my girl to be disappointed in me, like I know I am.

So, I'm keeping this from Janaé and keeping my embarrassing secret and taking it to my grave!!

Or so I had thought anyways...

Because sometime in the middle of my studio recording session, Janaé went out to get some food for us, and the minute my bestie is making her way back inside the room with two bags of Chinise food in her hands, she is suddenly dumping the stuff on top of the soundboard, looking irritated.

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